Classification and the assortment of caramel
Caramel - confectionery article of solid consistency, prepared completely from the caramel mass and the filling. Caramel mass is characterized by very small humidity (1-3%). The caloricity 100 g of caramel is 370-440 kcal.
They serve as raw material for the production of caramel; sugar, treacle (or invert sugar), nuts, chocolate, milk, fats, honey, fault, food acids, essence, dyes, etc. The process of the production of caramel with the filling includes the following operations: the preparation of caramel mass and filling, the introduction of filling into the caramel mass, molding of caramel, cooling, the shielding surface treatment and the wrapping of finished articles. Rock is formed with the lamination of caramel mass into the layer- tape and with the extrusion in the form of plait.
Since caramel mass is hygroscopic, caramel during the storage rapidly is moistened, it becomes sticky, the surface of some types is subjected to shielding working by one of the following methods; by polishing - is applied to the surface the finest layer of fat wax mixture (fat, wax, paraffin); by dredging - treatment of the surface of articles by sugar- treacle syrup, then by powdered sugar and by gloss; by coding - coating the surface of caramel with the thin fine-crystalline Sahara by crust; by cushioning layer - the surface of caramel they cover with granulated sugar or powdered sugar in the mixture with the cocoa- powder; by glazing - coating caramel with the thin layer of chocolate or fatty glaze.
Classification and the assortment of caramel. Depending on formula and method of preparation caramel they classify to the boiled sweet, with the fillings, milk (boiled sweet and with the fillings), and soft, vitamin zed, therapeutic. Using the method of processing caramel mass the caramel can be with the not pulling shell, with the pulling shell, with the veinlet and the strips. In a quantity of fillings and to arrangement the caramel is let out with one or two fillings, with the filling, puff by caramel mass.
Rock is prepared only made of the caramel mass. Are let out in the form batonchik, billet, the small cylinders: covered (Дюшес, Мятная, Театральная, Барбарис and other); in the form tablets with the wrapping of several pieces into the tubes (Sport, Tourist); figured with the rod- holder or without it (Фигурная, Тюльпанчики, Петушки and other); opened (without the wrapping) in the form very small articles (Монпансье, Самоцвет, Цветной горошек and other); the caramel Solomka is let out in the form the batch beam of the thin hollow small tubes, fastened between themselves (in the wrapping either without it, with the filling or without it).
Caramel with the fillings consists of the shell, prepared from the caramel mass, and filling. They group caramel according to the form of the fillings:
- with the fruit and berry fillings (Фруктово-ягодный букет, Яблоко, Лимончики, Светофор, Пуншевая and other);
- with the liqueur fillings (Ликерная, Спотыкач, Зубровка and other);
- with the honey fillings (Золотой улей, Пчелка and other);
- with the fondant (Помадная, Бим-бом, Лимонная,Мечта and other);
- with the milk fillings (Малина со сливками, Молочная, Рион, Популярная);
- with the nuts (praline]) fillings (Крабы, Южная, Байкал, Орешек and other);
- with the marchpane fillings (Марципан,Фантазия, Утро, Колобок);
- with the oil- sugar (cooling) fillings (Прохладительная, Полярная, Снежок, Свежесть and other);
- with the churning fillings (Красный мак, Янтарь, Лакомка and other).
Is manufactured also caramel with the gel fillings, similar to gel jelly-candy, with the addition of fruit and berry puree, with the chocolate - with the addition cocoa- product in, with the maize - from the browned maize flour with the addition of sugar, fat, cocoa- products and others.
Milk caramel. They obtain from the milk caramel mass by the boiling down of sugar- treacle syrup with the milk. Color of caramel from the cream to the brown. It can be boiled sweet and with the filling (Буратино, Молочная, Щелкунчик, Му-му, Чебурашка, Сказка and other).
Soft caramel is let out by the glazed chocolate or fatty glaze. The shell of caramel has soft consistency due to the absorption of moisture from the filling (Московская, Дружба, Загадка, Бабаевская and other).
The vitaminized caramel is let out boiled sweet and with the fillings with the addition of vitamins C and B (Поход, Спортивная, Березка, Звездочка).
Therapeutic caramel is let out boiled sweet and with the fillings with the addition of the powder of sea kale, menthol, eucalyptus or anise oil, iodide potassium (Ментоловые пастилки, Анисо-ментоловая, Монпансье леденцовое с морской капустой and other).
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 753;