Assortment of production
Pastry - most common type of flour confectionery articles. For the preparation of pastry use wheaten flour of the highest, 1 or the 2nd type with the required addition of fat and sugar. Form can be square, rectangular, round or figured.
Depending on formula and special features of preparation the pastry is subdivided into the sugar (baked from the plastic, easily torn test), the protracted (baked from the elastic- elastic dough) and the rich.
Sugar pastry - has sweet taste, dark painting of surface, brittle, arenaceous consistency, characteristic figure, it will swell well in the water. Assortment: from the flour of the highest type - Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Anniversary, To the tea, Creamy; from flour 1 - of type - Tea, Chess, Sugar; from the flour of the 2nd type - News, Operator, The mixture of № 5 and others.
Pastry longedis prepared from the elastic- elastic, difficultly torn dough; therefore during molding of articles are brought the through punctures, which contribute to output from the dough of gaseous products and they prevent the formation of deformations, swellings and shells as a result of the uneven accumulation of gases. Pastry longed because of the smaller content of sugar has brighter painting. It is characterized by a greater strength and a clearly expressed laminar structure less by swelling. Assortment: from the flour of the highest type: Children's, Maria, Schools, Leningrad’s; from the flour 3- of the type: Sport, Croquet, Far-Eastern; from the flour of the 2nd type - Mixture of № 1.
Pastry rich in contrast to the sugar is manufactured with the application of a significant quantity of sugar, fat, eggs; it is nut, gustatory additives. On the formula, the gustatory qualities and the energy value rich pastry does not be inferior to pastry and cakes. The majority of the forms of rich pastry has surface finishing (glazing, cushioning layer by nut crumb and others) or layer (from different forms of candy masses).
Depending on formula and method of preparation they divide into following groups rich pastry: sandy; churning; almond- nut; slide blocks.
Sandy pastry is manufactured with the application of a large quantity of fat and sugar; it is characterized by the arenaceous structure (Sandy, Leaves, Oil and others).
Churning pastry prepare via the churning of eggs (or only proteins) with the sugar and the subsequent addition of a small quantity of flour, and it is nut into some forms - ground. Articles are characterized grow prettier by porosity (Nut, Sugar and other).
Almond- nut pastry is manufactured from the sugar, the eggs, the flour, it is nut. In contrast to the churning dough they obtain via mixing. Articles have denser structure.
Dentils have a form of slices. First from the flour, the sugar, the eggs, the fat with the addition of the raisin and candied fruits are prepared dough, from which bake the loaves, then they cool them, cut to the slices and slightly partially dry (Moscow loaves).
Cracker (dry pastry) is differed from pastry in terms of the fact that entirely or barely it contains sugar. In appearance (to presence of punctures) protracted pastry resembles. The characteristic properties of cracker are the laminar structure and the presence of bubbles on the surface or the impregnations of gustatory additions (caraway, salt and others).
Depending on formula and method of preparation they divide into groups cracker: The I - on yeast(s) and chemical leavens or only on yeast(s), with the fat; II - on yeast(s), with the fatty layer; III - on yeast(s), without the fat; IV - on yeast(s) or yeast(s) and chemical leavens, with the fat and the gustatory additives (caraway, anise, cheese and other). Assortment: Health, Table, To the breakfast, Cracker with the cheese, The cracker with the anise, Fragrant, Piquant and other. Cracker instead of the bread to the soup, to the breakfast is used.
Pancake coils biscuits are called flatware of rectangular, square or circular shape, with the punctures on the surface, laminar structure. Depending on the formula of pancake coil biscuit they subdivide into three groups: The I - simple, not containing fat and sugar; II - improved, which contain not are less than 10,5% fat (to the dry matter), but without the sugar; III - dietetic, with the sugar and the fat.
Simple pancake coils biscuits bake from wheaten flour 1, the 2nd of types and wallpaper. Assortment: March (from the flour of the 2nd type).
Improved pancake coils biscuits bake from the flour of the highest type with the addition of fat. Assortment: Arctic.
Dietetic pancake coils biscuits can be with the increased (not less than 17% to the dry matter) and reduced (not less than 3%) content of fat. A quantity of sugar in these pancake coils biscuits is respectively not less than 12 and 14%. Assortment: Sport, Championship, Regime.
Simple and improved pancake coils biscuits use as the dry concentrates, which substitute bread. Dietetic pancake coils biscuits in composition and to use are close to by the liver.
By the inadmissible defects of pastry, cracker, pancake coils biscuits are outside aftertastes and smells, significant deformations, burning, half-baked articles, tracks of nepromesa, large pinchers and deepening, cracked articles in the quantity more than 5%, mould and surface contamination, foreign inclusions, the oiling of bundles, molding, infection storehouse wreckers.
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 343;