Cakes, meat loaves, rum ram

Cakes bake from the very rich test with the addition of candied fruits, raisin, cinnamon, saffron, is nut others Are distinguished cakes by the surface treatment: by powdered sugar, by crushed nuts; on the form: log, rectangular, round. The cakes are prepared on the chemical leavens: Moscow, Almond, Citrus fruit; on yeast(s): Spring, Russian, and Domestic.

Rum ram - article made of the yeast rich test with the raisin, a mass is not less than 100 g. It has a form of cylinder or of truncated cone with the smooth or ribbed side, with the open-end hole in the center, it is abundantly impregnated with sugar syrup with the rum essence; surface is covered with sugar glaze.

Rolls are prepared from the sponge cake test and the fillings. To the baked layer is applied the layer of filling (fruit, cream, poppy and other), they roll up in the form meat loaf and cut into pieces. Rolls prepare weight and piece.

Cakes, rum rams and rolls plot in the cardboard boxes in one row, to the wooden or aluminum chutes with the covers. They store at a temperature of 5-18°C and relative humidity of air 70-75%. Guarantee period of storage of cakes - 2-7 days; rum rams - 10 days; meat loaves - 1-7 days.


Flour eastern sweetness’s

To the eastern sweetness’s carry the confectionery articles of national assortment, prepared with the application of a significant quantity it is nut, oily nuclei, different spices, honey, and raisin.

Eastern sweetness’s are characterized by good gustatory qualities, high nourishing value. The assortment of eastern sweetness’s is very diverse. Depending on composition and properties it is possible to combine them into three groups: flour, the type of candies and the like of caramel. Furthermore, to the eastern sweetness’s carry salt nuts (almonds, peanut, apricot nucleus).

Easternflour articles are very rich; them manufacture from the flour of the highest type with the application of a large quantity of butter, sugar, spices, sometimes - milk, sour creams. In many forms are added the raisin, the candied fruits, and the nuts. For loosening of dough uses baker's salt.

Such articles include shaker-churek, kurabe Baku, shaker-puri, nan Bokharan, nan Azerbaijan, small tube nut, small tube almond, strudel with the raisin, knot-shaped biscuit with the cinnamon, pakhlava rich, nazuk sweet and other.

Eastern sweetness’s of the type of soft candies are manufactured by introduction into the candy masses of crushed it is nut, raisin, candied fruits. The basic forms of candy masses for this type of articles are creamy and sugar pomade (creamy log, creamy small sausage, sherbet with the candied fruits, sherbet nut and other), churning candy mass (nougat lemon and tangerine, koskhalva and other), and also gel masses, obtained on the starch basis rahat lakoum or on the basis of the fruit and berry puree (they are ruby-colored).

Eastern sweetness’s of the type of caramel have solid, brittle consistency. They obtain by their way of the boiling down of sugar- treacle or sugar- honey syrup with the subsequent addition of nuclei it is nut, peanut, sesame, the poppy (kozinak from it is nut, kozinak from the sesame, kozinak sunflower, grilyazh almond, poppy with nut and others). Sometimes nuts are not added, but are introduced only spices or essences. The same type of articles includes nuts fried in the sugar, being entire nuclei it is nut (almonds, hazelnut, by keshyu and other), covered with the caramel-like crust of the molten sugar.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 331;

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