Packing and storage of chocolate and cocoa- powder

Pack chocolate into the boxes. Almost all forms of chocolate are let out in the wrapper. They as a rule, wrap chocolate into two layers: foil and the artistically designed label (tile) or inner packing from the wax paper and label (long loaves). Chocolate figures, medals wrap only into the foil. For the figures are used also transparent polymer films.

The covered chocolate is packed into the boxes from corrugated cardboard, with the mass not of more than 5 kg, or into the pasteboard cases, with mass to 2,5 kg, with the subsequent packing of the latter into the plywood or made of planks boxes.

Cocoa- powder for the enterprises of retail trade is let out only in the small packaging (until 250g) in the tin and combined cans, the cardboard boxes and the bundles, the packets from the polymer films.

To store chocolate and cocoa- powder necessarily in the clean, well ventilation accommodations, which do not have the outside smells, not infected by storehouse wreckers, at a temperature not higher than 18°C and relative humidity of air not more than 75%. With the significant fluctuations of temperature and humidity can occur the condensate of the surface of chocolate and, as a result, the appearance of a grayish attack, which is the smallest small crystals of sugar (sugar “graying”). Chocolate must not undergo the action of straight sunlight. Heating chocolate to the temperature of 26°C and above causes melting cocoa- oil, and during the cooling as a result of the isolation of the small crystals of fat on the surface grayish attack can be formed (fatty “graying”).

Guarantee period of storage for the chocolate without the additions, covered and packaging - 6 mo., without the additions of weight not packaging - 4 mo., with the additions, with the filling, diabetic - covered and packaging - 3 mo., with the additions of weight not packaging - 2 mo., white - 1 mo., cocoa- powder in sheet metal jars - 12 mo., in the paper packets - 3 mo.


Control questions

1. How is explained the physiological effect of chocolate on the organism?

2. Why chocolate dessert does value higher than usual?

3. You will transfer the assortment of dessert and usual chocolate without the additions and with the additions.

4. What requirements are imposed on the quality of chocolate?


Candy articles


  1. Candy

Candies call the articles of the soft consistency, prepared on the sugar basis with the content of sugar 60% and more.

The assortment of candies is very great and diverse in composition, to properties, to the special features of preparation. They possess high gustatory properties, they take the beautiful form. Energy value of candies 350-600 kcal in 100g.

The production of candies includes the preparation of candy mass and glaze, molding candies (housing), surface finishing, wrapping, packing. Candy masses are prepared by the boiling down of sugar- treacle syrup with different fillers or by grinding, splitting, mixing, churning of raw material. Molding the housings of candies depending on their consistency, viscosity and fluidity is produced by the different methods: by molding into the forms, by the spreading in the form of layer with the subsequent thread, pressing, by skimping. On the external finishing of housings the candies share on not glazed and glazed (chocolate glaze; by fatty - instead of cocoa- oil is used hydrogenated fat; fondant; milk and other). Candies can be opened (no covered), closed (covered), partially covered, in the capsules or korreks from the polymeric materials, designed into the foil.

According to the form of the candy masses, utilized for the preparation of housings, the candies occur fondant, liqueur, fruit- gel, and nuts, cream and other.

The candies, glazed with the chocolate, consist of filling (housing) and chocolate shell; they are grouped according to the form of candy masses.

Candies with the fondant housings (Ласточка, Весна, Ромашка, Пи­лот, Фантазия, Осенний сад and other).

Candies with the liqueur housings (Медный всадник, Лакомка, Пиковая дама, Ленинградские and other).

Candies with the fruit- gel housings (Желейные, Лето, Мичуринские and other).

Candies with the nuts housings - are characterized by excellent gustatory properties, and also by high nourishing value, since nuts are rich in fat, protein substances, and vitamins of group B, in mineral substances. Three forms of the candy masses are manufactured on the nut basis: martsipane - via the grinding of those not browned it is nut with the sugar; praline - via grinding with the sugar of the browned nuclei it is nut with the required addition of fat, chocolate mass (Мишка на Севере, Красная Шапочка, Белочка, Красный мак and other); grilyazh masses are characterized by solid consistency, they are prepared from the crushed nut and the molten sugar.

Candies with the churning housings have porous structure. In composition and they are close to properties to the pastille (Стратосфера, Нуга, Суфле, Зоологические).

Candies with the cream housings are characterized by the tender oily consistency (Трюфели, Красная Москва, Жар-пти­ца and other).

Candies, glazed by the fatty glaze (Осенние, Спортивные, Лимонные and other).

Candies not glazed. The following basic forms are distinguished: type to praline - batonchik (Рот-Фронт, Мурзилка); fondant candies (Школьные, Сливочная тянуч­ка, Коровка, Киевская помадка and other); puff-pastry candies (Пионерские, Золотая осень, Спорт, Арктика and other).

Chocolate candies with the fillings (of type to assort).

Requirements for the quality of candies. In appearance not glazed candies must have dry, not sticky surface; those glazed by chocolate - are covered with the flat or slightly billowy layer of glaze. The form of candies must be characteristic of this designation, correct, without the deformations. Taste and smell - marked, characteristic for this designation of articles, without rancid or other unpleasant aftertaste. A quantity of glaze in the glazed candies - is not less than 22%, while a quantity of filling in the candies of the type to assort - is not more than 50%.

Inadmissible defects of the candies: sugar and the fatty “graying” of chocolate glaze; white spots on the surface of the not glazed candies from the seed ball of the crystals of sugar; the presence of the articles of those deformed; with the crumbled glaze; rancid or other unpleasant aftertaste and smell; defeat by storehouse wreckers.

Candies let out piece, weight and packaging. Pack up them into the boxes, the bunches, the packets paper, cellophane, from the polymeric materials. Weight candies in the wrapper are packed into the boxes by numbers or by mound, but not covered - with numbers with the paper or the cellophane into the pasteboard or wooden boxes, boxes on 5 and 10 kg. For storing the candies of the optimum is the temperature not more than 18°C and the relative humidity is not higher than 75%.

Guarantee period of storage of candies (in mo.): covered, glazed by chocolate glaze - 4; not covered - 3; glazed by fatty glaze and not glazed - to 2; chocolate candies assort - is not more than 2; with the liqueur fillings - 25 days; sweets and toffees - 3-5 days.



Iris is the candies, prepared from the fine-crystalline mass, which is obtained by the boiling down of sugar, treacle, milk and fat with the addition of gustatory and aromatic substances. In the process of boiling down the protein substances of milk interact with the sugar, forming melanoidins, which give to iris painting from the cream to the dark brown.

Iris depending on structure and consistency they manufacture three basic forms: solid or caramel-like, that has the amorphous structure (Special); semisolid, also having amorphous structure, but been thoroughly cooked to a lesser degree (Золотой ключик, Забава, Кис-кис and other); tirazhenn, which is obtained via the stirring (tirazhenn) of iris mass (При­ма, Школьный, Сливочный, Кофейный). The tirazhenn iris is of three varieties: semisolid, soft and viscous (with the addition of gelatinous mass), which on the consistency is similar to chewing gum. With the production of iris instead of the milk can be used the soya, nuts and oily seeds.

Requirements for the quality of iris. The surface of iris must be dry, no adhesive, without the cracks, with the clear figure. Color - from the light- to the dark brown. Form - correct, the section is smooth, is flat, without the beated corners and the rumple faces, figure distinct. Taste and smell marked, with the aftertaste of milk (besides Fruit and East).

Inadmissible defects of the iris: deformation, crack on the face side, rancid or other unpleasant aftertaste.

Into the realization the iris enters weight and piece; covered, not covered and packaging. Pack up iris into the bundles, packets, boxes by mass until 500g. The covered iris pack into the boxes by mound with the mass of net to 15 kg, not covered - with horizontal numbers with the padding by wrapping paper - not more than 17 kg. Store iris at a temperature not higher than 18°C and relative humidity of air not more than 75%. Period of storage of the iris: the tirazhenn semisolid, covered - to 6 mo., without the wrapping - to 5 mo., the remaining forms of iris - 2 mo.


The drops

The drops - these are the confectionery articles of small sizes, rounded form, with the smooth bright surface. Articles consist of housing, rolling (layer of powdered sugar without the additives or with the additives, cemented by sugar syrup) and the finest layer of gloss on the surface (mixture, which consists of wax, paraffin and fat).

Housings are manufactured from different forms of candy masses or caramel mass. As the housings use also nuclei it is nut, the dry and alcohol zed fruits and berries. According to the form of the housing of lozenge there is liqueur, fruit-jelly, fruit- gel, marchpane, caramel, sound and other.

Depending on further working of housings the following basic varieties of lozenge are distinguished: sugar - with the rolling of powdered sugar and the subsequent polishing or the cushioning layer by granulated sugar; chocolate - with the rolling of the mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa- powder; glazed - by chocolate glaze with the subsequent polishing or putting of the crunch sugar crust; covered with nonpareil - small sugar grist.

Polishing gives drops shine, it protects from the moistening, drying, penetration of air inside the articles. For this very reason drops is the type of confectionery articles most convenient for the introduction of vitamin and medicines.

Depending on the housing of drops they let out: fondant - Весна, Малиновое, Снежок; jelly - Бар­барис, Желейное, Лимончики; liqueur - Буратино, Десертное, Мятный liqueur; caramel - Фрукто­вое, Юбилейное, Ягодка; nut - Peanut in the sugar, Peanut in the chocolate, Forest nut; marchpane - Марципан в сахаре, Марципан в шоколаде; sugar - Молочный горошек, Цветной горошек, Мятное; fruit and berry - Морские камешки с изюмом, Изюм в шоколаде, Вишня в шоколаде; dietetic with the addition of vitamins, powder of sea kale, glucose, substitutes of sugar.

The quality of drops is evaluated according to taste and aroma, color, surface condition, form, consistency, is determined a quantity of coalescent and deformed articles. For all types of drops are limited the humidity, acidity and other.

It is not allowed into the realization of lozenge with the musty, rancid aftertaste, “the graying” of chocolate glaze.

Drops let out weight and packaging into the bundles, the packets, the boxes, the tin cans with the mass of net until 600g (dietetic until 300g). The weight and packaging drops is packed into the boxes with a mass of 10 and 20 kg depending on housing.

Period of storage of drops depending on the form of housing and its finishing - 25-90 days.


Control questions

1. How do classify candies depending on the method of production and finishing?

2. What does present by itself the fondant candy mass?

3. Name the assortment of candies on types of housings (fillings).

4. Are such the special features of the production of iris?

5. Name the assortment of drops depending on the form of housing.

6. With what conditions and during, what periods are stored candies, iris, drops?


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 427;

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