The assortment of flour confectionery articles

The flour confectioner's shops include the articles, prepared from flour with the addition of sugar, milk, fat, eggs and other products. Together with a good taste they are characterized by high food-value and energy value. Into their composition enter the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral substances, vitamins. The content of these substances in the separate types of flour confectionery articles unequally and depends on their formula and type of the utilized flour. For dislodgement of dough with the production of flour confectionery articles use in essence the chemical dislodgement (soda, carbonate ammonium), which under the influence of high temperature are decomposed with the isolation of gaseous products. Yeast(s) use only for the articles of some forms, which contain a small quantity of fat and sugar, since the latter oppress the vital activity of yeast cells.

Flour articles have large specific weight in the total output of confectionery goods (more than 40%) and they are characterized by the very wide variety of composition and properties. The assortment of flour confectionery articles counts more than 1000 designations, which are characterized by formula, by form, by finishing, by the technology of preparation and, of course, by taste and by aroma.

Depending on formula and method of their production they subdivide into the groups: pastry, cracker (dry pastry), pancake coil biscuit, cakes, wafer, pastry and cakes, cakes and rum rams.

Pastry- one of the mass types of flour confectionery articles. It has simultaneously porous and brittle structure, it can be glazed or not glazed, with the filling or without.

Cracker - these are the flour confectionery articles with the laminar structure, which possess brittleness. In the consumer qualities the cracker approaches separate I see pastries.

Pancake coils biscuits - these are the flour confectionery articles, baked from the wheaten flour with the addition or without the addition of different form of raw material. Yeast(s) and chemical leaven are used as the leaven of dough.

Gingerbread articles - flour confectionery articles of diverse form with the addition of spices and aromatizes, with the filling or without it, glazed or not glazed.

Wafers - these are the flour confectionery articles of various forms, manufactured from the wafer baked sheets, on the wafer basis, and filling or without the filling.

Pastry and cakes - flour confectionery articles, which possess, as a rule, high energy value. The artistic surface finishing of articles with special semi finished products is their distinctive special feature.

Cakes - flour confectionery articles, manufactured from the very rich dough with the high content of fat, eggs products, sugar and different fillers - raisin, candied fruits, is nut, fruits and others

Rum ram - so are called the piece confectionery articles, manufactured from the rich yeast test with the raisin. They have a form of topped cone; they are abundantly impregnated with syrup and are glazed.

Flour eastern sweetness’s - these are the diverse confectionery articles, which have original taste, aroma and exterior view. Articles are distinguished by the form, the sizes, surface finishing, etc The flour eastern sweetness’s include kurabe, kyata, pakhlava, strudel, shaker-churek, zemelakh and other.

Besides the articles of mass designation confectionery industry manufactures the dietetic articles, which have preventive or therapeutic designation. Confectionery articles for the diabetics compose special group. These are the sugar and meal confectionery articles, in which the sugar is substituted with sugar substitutes: by xylite, by sorbet, by fructose, by steviozidom.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 500;

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