Confectionery articles of special designation

Besides the articles of mass demand confectionery industry manufactures also the articles, intended for the children, vitamin zed, dietetic, medical. Their assortment at present is enlarged.

Articles for the children are manufactured from the natural high-quality raw material, which does not contain preservatives, hydrogenated fats, alcohol, coffee, artificial dyes and aromatic substances.

Into the formula of these articles introduce the biologically valuable products, such as milk, butter, fruits and berries, nuts. The content of cocoa- products is limited because of the presence in them of theobromine and caffeine.

The children's articles include: candy - Dandelion, (housing milk- chocolate, with the addition of butter); Bell (with the fruit-jelly housing, with the addition of strawberry welding on, by the glazed milk- chocolate glaze). Creamy toffee, Ladybird, Tuzik; caramel - Layk (from the creamy pomade with the candied fruit, into the caramel shell added by 10% of butter), Belka, Pointer, Pchelka; zephyr - Children's; chocolate - Children's; pastry - Oat, Children's amusement, School; the cake Strawberry and others.

The vitamin zed articles are enriched in the process of preparation either in the vitamins, obtained synthetically or by the natural vitamin preparations in the form of powder or puree of sweetbrier, coniferous extract, yeast(s) and others Many confectionery articles as a whole are characterized by the low content of vitamins or by their complete absence; therefore for increasing the nourishing value bituminization has fundamental importance.

More frequent for the bituminization are used vitamins C and B1 (as requiring in the greatest quantities), into some articles are introduced also the vitamins B2, PP, E, A, D and others.

Vitamin zed are manufactured caramel, candies, chocolate, jelly-candy, pastry, cakes, but mainly bituminize drops, since wax- fatty layer on its surface ensures a good storability of vitamins.

Dietetic articles are differed from the usual the fact that from their composition some food substances are excluded (or they are limited) or, on the contrary, they are introduced in the increased quantity. Such articles are intended in the person basic for the nourishment by the disrupted exchange of substances or are used for preventive purposes.

The large specific weight articles for the diabetics have among them. In the patients diabetes mellitus disrupted carbohydrate metabolism, by them is contraindicated the use of sugar and usual confectionery articles; therefore for them are manufactured the articles, in which the sugar is substituted with other sweet substances: by sorbet, by xylite. Assortment: wafers are diabetic on xylite, lozenges peanut on xylite, zephyr with sorbet and, etc Sugar they recently substitute aspartamom, sukraloze, sweetness of which exceeds sugar 200-400 times.

To the dietetic carry also the articles with the sea kale. Sea kale contains proteins, carbohydrates, pectin substances, vitamins A, B, C, D, carotene, microcells - iodine, bromine, cobalt and other. Sea kale has unpleasant aftertaste, but and by other additives it is barely perceived in combination with the sugar.

With the sea kale manufacture drops Milk and Green peas, zephyr White- pink and Creamy, the stalemate, monpanse, Pastry Sea and other.

Articles with the sea kale are recommended as the preventive means, which warns the development of sclerosis, the disturbance of exchange of substances and, mainly. The activity of the thyroid gland. The pectin substances of sea kale contribute to digestion. Are especially useful articles with the sea kale for the people of average and elderly age.

Articles with pectin also can be attributed to the dietetic. Pectin substances possess the ability to connect and to derive from the organism heavy metals, and also radioactive elements. At present, when atomic energy and radioactive elements ever more widely adapt in the national economy, the expansion of the assortment of articles with the increased content of pectin has great significance. Furthermore, articles with pectin are recommended with some forms of gastrointestinal diseases.

The fruit- gel candies manufacture on the basis of pectin: Summer, Blue Lake, Snow maiden, Moscow evenings and other.

Articles with vegetable oil have great significance in the expansion of the assortment of dietetic food products, because vegetable oils are for the human organism the source of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F). Such articles are recommended especially to the persons of average and elderly age. With the addition, for example, of corn oil they manufacture pastry Newer and Dietetic.

Articles with the increased content of phosphatides are recommended both for the nourishment of the persons of average and elderly age and for the children's nourishment. Phosphatides participate in the fat metabolism, they prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and phosphatide lecithin favorably acts on increase and development of young organism. The dietetic types of pastry and chocolate manufacture with the addition of phosphatides.

Medical (therapeutic, medicinal) articles are manufactured with the introduction of medicinal substances. The medicines in the form of chocolate or candies give the possibility to considerably increase the physiological effect of the active principle because of the absence of the unpleasant conditioned reflexes, which appear with the ingestion of medicine (especially in children).

For treating the upper respiratory tract are let out eucalyptus- menthol and anise- menthol caramel, menthol pastilles, zephyr the snow, which contains peppermint oil and menthol; for strengthening of nervous and hemopoietic systems - caramel with glycerophosphate of calcium, ferratin and phytin; for regulating the work of the digestive tract - article with the extract of buckthorn.

The quality of the children's, vitamin zed, dietetic and therapeutic confectionery articles is evaluated in accordance with the general requirements, provided by standards. However, application of cold gives possibility better, also, during the more prolonged period to preserve their quality. Thus, the loss of vitamin with the articles (candies and caramel), which are stored with 0°C, on the average to 40- 50% less in comparison with those storing at a temperature of 18°C.



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СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 1992.

2. Базарова В.И. и др. Исследование продовольствен­ных товаров.-М.: Экономика, 1986.

3. Боровикова Л.А, и др. Товароведение продовольствен­ных товаров.-М: Экономика, 1988.

4. Бровко ОМ. и др. Товароведение пищевых продук­тов.-М.: Экономика, 1989.

5. Варибрус В. И., Жук Ю.Т., Руш В.А. Товароведение продовольственных товаров.-М.: Экономика, 1976.

6. Гончарова В.И., Голощапова Г.Я. Товароведение пи­щевых продуктов.-М.: Экономика, 1990.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 377;

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