Classification of food products
The classification of food goods - this is their distribution to the groups or the classes according to the general most characteristic features.
According to the training classification all food goods are subdivided into the following groups: grain flour goods; fruit and vegetables goods and mince; starch products, sugar, honey, confectionery goods; gustatory goods; food fats; milk goods; egg goods; meat goods; fish goods; food concentrates.
Goods in the limits of group depending on raw material, technology of production, formula, quality and other signs on the standard divide into the forms, the varieties, the types.
According to the biological classification food goods divide into the goods of plant and animal origin; cereal crops - to the families, the forms, the varieties, the types; fish - to the families, the kinds, the forms, etc.
According to the commercial classification food goods conditionally are subdivided into the grocery and the gastronomical.
The grocery include flour, to croup, the starch, sugar, macaroni articles, tea and tea beverages, coffee and coffee beverages, salt, yeast(s), vegetable oils, vinegar, spices; to the gastronomical - predominantly ready to use - sausage, meat bloated and boiled products, the most valuable salt fish articles, bloated fish, meat and fish canned foods, cheeses, cow's oil, cream, the condensed milk and other goods.
Entire industrial and agricultural production of on the basis corresponding signs is distributed on the classes, the sub-classes, the groups, the subgroups and see, which code. The classes of food goods are isolated in the dependence on the origin of goods (production of plant growing, cattle breeding), also, on the branches of production. The code designation of production in the classifier has ten signs (numbers).
Selection (totality) of the goods, united according to any sign, is called assortment. Distinguish assortment industrial and commercial. Industrial assortment unites the articles, manufactured in this enterprise (assortment of enterprise), or the articles, manufactured of the industry (assortment of branch) determined by branch. Commercial assortment - this is the nomenclature of the goods, realized through the wholesale and retail network. It is subdivided into the assortment of enterprise (stores, base) and the assortment of commodity group (confectionery, milk and other goods). For the best satisfaction of the demand of population in the retail outlet network is established the assortment minimum of goods - enumeration and the number of designations of goods, required for this commercial enterprise.
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 704;