Purposes and the task of science of commodities. Principles of science of commodities

Science of commodities - this is scientific discipline, which studies the consumer properties of goods. For this science the special importance has a study of the consumer value of commodities.

Any goods possess cost and consumer cost. A quantity of socially necessary labor, spent on the production of goods, determines the measure of its cost. The usefulness of goods, the ability to satisfy any need of man, are called consumer cost. The properties of goods, whose totality is capable of satisfying the specific needs of people, are called consumer. These properties are the qualitative characteristic of goods. Consequently, the basic task of science of commodities - study of the quality of goods.

The quality of goods is determined by the totality of the properties, which cause their availability to satisfy the specific needs in accordance with the designation.

The quality of goods depends on chemical composition, energy and biological value, gustatory and aesthetical properties. The quality of goods can change during the storage, the transportation and the realization of the physical, chemical and biochemical processes under the effect of the environment as a result elapsing in them.

The tasks of science of commodities are: the study of the factors of formation and preservation of the quality of goods, the development of the optimum conditions, which facilitate its further increase; study, development and an improvement in the methods of estimation and quality control of goods; the study of classification, regularity of formation and ways of the optimization of assortment of commodity; the study of standards and methods of the rational consumption of products.

Science of commodities as scientific discipline is developed on the basis of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology and it is most intimately connected with the technology of production, the physiology of nourishment and the economic sciences.

Goods are the main material basis of trade. Therefore, the connection of science of commodities with the economic sciences, which are studied in the commercial educational institutions, makes it possible to correctly organize the demand analysis of population for the goods and the composition of the orders of industry, commodity movement and the calculation of goods, to conduct control of the commodity bundle, the state of commodity reserves on the storages and in the stores, to successfully solve the problems of the satisfaction of the needs of population for the goods of high quality.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 604;

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