Occurrence and the basic stages of development of a modern political science

The political science studies ideological and practical activities of the people as which object the power acts.The power defines borders of the world of a policy, its specificity. The power nature, its formation, carried out functions in a society, interactions of groups, parties, общностей, individuals, the states concerning the power, forms and consequences of the given mutual relations make the maintenance of a political science.

However it is a question not simply of ordinary reasonings on the power and interactions concerning it. First, these reasonings are authentic. Their reliability is reached проверяемостью the concrete phenomena, correlation of representations about them with a reality, possibility of their quantitative and qualitative measurement. Research procedures are spent by means of the branched out system of methods which allow to study not imagined interactions of groups, общностей, individuals, the states Concerning the power, and valid.

Efforts of the scientific various countries with a view of an exchange of the scientific information andincrease of practical efficiency of recommendations of a political science. As a result in 1948 in Paris under the aegis of UNESCO the International association of a political science has been created. Today the political science in the western countries represents one of important and prestigious branches of social knowledge. So, only in the USA one and a half thousand politological chairs now operate, and the American association of a political science totals 16 thousand the members serving power structures of the American political system, institutes of a civil society.

The modern political science is the diversified discipline including a number of directions of politological knowledge: political philosophy, the political theory, political sociology, political anthropology, political psychology etc.

That considerable role which the political science plays lives of the western countries, is caused by two circumstances: first, its high pragmatical orientation, an orientation to the decision of practical problems of perfection of political institutes and increase of management efficiency by a society that is possible thanks to constant development of methodological and empirical base of the politological analysis; secondly, that the modern political science leans against centuries-old achievements of the western political thought.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 371;

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