Characteristic features of Post-Soviet political culture
The political culture of Post-Soviet Russia represents culture of transitive type. It consists of diverse political values, installations and standards of political activity which concern various political systems: authoritative and democratic. It is erroneous to assume that declaring of an inconsistency of communistic values and ideals подданнической political culture of the Soviet type can quickly lead to formation of political culture of active civilisation. The civil culture has the rate and dynamics of formation which do not coincide with changes of economic and social character though tests their influence.
Formation of market relations, variety of patterns of ownership of the independent managing subject, various social interests create conditions for change of type of political orientations. However objectively developing processes of social differentiation only assume a tendency of folding of variety of political subcultures, but rigidly order it cannot. Senses and values of political activity can be formed on a basis конфессиональных and ethnic preferences which are defined by economic and social situation of concrete group, the individual. However, as practice shows, changes of a cultural code of political behaviour occur very slowly. Therefore the political decisions of the Russian ruling elite calculated on culture of political participation, quite often encounter on really dominating подданническую political culture of the population. Discrepancy of new structure of political institutes and standards former подданнической to culture is a basis of political crises and conflicts.
It is possible to name type of political culture of a modern Russian society more likely fragmentary. This definition reflects that circumstance that the fragmentary political culture does not represent a single whole, and connects elements of diverse subcultures. It reflects a split situation in a society, a transitivity condition. For fragmentary political culture absence of the consent between carriers of various subcultures concerning base values, ideals and the society purposes is characteristic. It generates the raised conflictness and social
Intensity which cause political instability in a society. Low degree of trust of the population to the state institutes of the power, ignoring of lawful ways of a resolution of conflicts is peculiar to modern political culture of Russia. Absence of the consent concerning base values turns the majority of the population to a recognition of a priority of local or regional interests. In the conditions of domination of such political culture the balance of interests and values can be supported by exclusively strong power. In the long term democratisation process should lead to transformation of fragmentary political culture in the pluralistic culture which basis is on simultaneous the coexistence and dialogue of various subcultures.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 476;