Evolution of a political mode
Ways of realisation of the political power in the history of the Russian society did not remain invariable. To three periods of the Russian political history qualitatively different from each other - досоветскому, Soviet and Post-Soviet - there corresponded concrete way and character of the state board. Similarity of these three periods consisted first of all that to the Russian political process on all its extent there corresponded dictatorship, than democracy more.
The traditional absolute monarchy existing since board of Ivan III till 1917, dictatorship, the hardware strengthening the rigidity (as was at Ivan IV, Peter I), the hardware was characteristic
Passing in moderate authoritative system with elements of parliamentarism in the name of the State Duma and multi-party system (for example, in the end of Nikolay II reign). All completeness of the power concentrated in hands of the monarch which in the board leant not only against traditions, but also on violence.
Special version of a dictatorial political mode is the dictatorship of proletariat established after October revolution on 1917 Dictatorship of proletariat, by V.I.Lenin's definition, meant that «only a certain class, city and in general factory workers, in a condition to supervise over all weight of workers and maintained in struggle for deduction and victory strengthening, in business of creation new, socialist, a social order, in all struggle for utter annihilation of classes». In practice the political mode of the party nomenclature has been created. As a part of the government for all Soviet period of workers was a little, and in their Communist party was much less half. The state headed by professional revolutionaries, has concentrated in the hands all completeness legislative, executive and judicial authority, monopolised the national property. Gradually generated new class of the partijno-state nomenclature gravitated to oligarchical character of the power which social base was made by mass Communist party and Councils. The ruling minority carried out the power over the majority, leaning not only against the strong propaganda device, but also on the branched out retaliatory system, means of political terror and struggle against heterodoxy. Thereof the mode has got in due course lines of totalitarianism. At the same time the political mode in the USSR for which the name «nomenclature dictatorship» more approaches, aspired to react to social and economic requirements of the population, to satisfy them. In the presence of resources which were formed basically at the expense of sale of oil, gas, arms, it it was possible to do, however in process of their reduction of possibility of a mode also were limited. At separate stages the totalitarian mode got lines of authoritativeness as it was at N.S.Khruschev.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 390;