Features of a political mode of the Post-Soviet period

Cancellation of the constitutional guarantees of a monopoly position of Communist party has led to mode falling. There were new institutes of the power: the president, parliament, local governments. In 1993 the system of the Councils which were a basis of the mechanism of functioning of the power in the country has been abolished.

However on character the government has a little changed, in essence it remained authoritative. It is a natural consequence of immaturity of a civil society in Russia. The authoritative beginnings are found out today in considerable concentration of the power in hands of the head of the state - the president. The authoritative mode is capable to provide concentration of resources on strategic directions of development of a society, effectively to react to arising problems. The given tendency is especially characteristic for the countries passing to the market. However the authoritative mode in Russia has also essential lacks. First of all concentration of the power in hands of the president in such volumes which exceed powers of presidents of France and the USA together taken, do a society rather dependent on its subjective will.

Weak degree of division of political roles and functions speaks about backwardness of the political mechanism as a whole. The above degree of differentiation and specialisation of functions of political institutes, the above their ability to react to new interests arising in a society and requirement. Hence, the pyramidal structure of the power, characteristic for modern Russia, possesses high degree инерционности, subjectivity.

The similar system in B.N.Yeltsin's presidency was created by interested oligarchical groups which in exchange for financial support of a mode of a personal authority received privileges. This circumstance caused low social and economic efficiency of a mode. Its inability reliably first of all means to guarantee all constitutional laws and freedom of citizens, to react to requirements arising at them. Insufficient, and in certain cases and simply low efficiency of a mode constantly brings its an attention to the question on its legitimacy, necessity of its maintenance.

In the conditions of excessive concentration of the power in hands of the president and executive powers actually there are no possibilities of constant effective control over their activity both from a society, and from legislators. It creates possibilities for an uncontrolled expenditure of federal funds, for corruption. As control tools in these conditions mass media and mature party system can act. However the competitive party system, capable to reveal and express interests of social groups, yet has not finished the formation. Mass media in the conditions of the market appear dependent on the power.

In the beginning of XXI century there is a transformation of a political mode in Russia. It is connected with V.V.Putin's presidency, koto -

рый aspires to the real social and economic transformations considering requirements of wide social classes. However on this way as an essential obstacle the heritage which has got to it from the previous president in the form of absolute poverty of considerable social classes, high degree of criminality, corruption and bribability of officials, threat of disintegration of federation acts.

To overcome these negative consequences, V.V.Putin builds new model of a political mode - model of "operated democracy». She assumes considerable concentration of the power in hands of the president at its control over parliament activity that allows it легетимизировать the political decisions in acts and to have support of the political policy from representatives of the people. However essential danger of such model consists in absence of system opposition a mode can get more and more frankly authoritative lines developing into a mode of a personal authority.

Control questions to a theme

1. What reflects concept «a political mode»?

2. How the political mode and political system correspond?

3. In what of difference of a political mode from the forms of government?

4. Why for a political mode legitimacy is important?

5. On what principles government institutes can be organised?

6. In what essence of a monarchy as the forms of government? What distinctive signs and its lacks?

7. In what distinctions between absolute and constitutional monarchy consist? Name the countries with the given forms of government.

8. How you think, with what the choice by one people of a monarchy, and others - republics is connected?

9. In what advantage of republic as the forms of government consists?

10. Than parliamentary, presidential and prezidentsko-parliamentary republics differ?

11. What form of government in modern Russia? Give reason for the answer.

12. Than the electoral system type is important for essence of a mode?

13. What value of parties in various political modes?

14. What criteria are used for classification of political modes?

15. Than totalitarianism differs from dictatorship?

16. Why totalitarianism has arisen in XX century?

17. What versions of totalitarianism are allocated in a political science?

18. Name the modern states in which activity it is possible to note presence of intrinsic signs of a totalitarian mode.

19. When and in what societies usually there are totalitarian modes?

20. Than authoritarianism differs from totalitarianism?

21. Formulate authoritarianism signs. Whether can play an authoritative mode a positive role in the history? Result examples.

22. It is possible to allocate what versions of an authoritative mode? In what of their distinction?

23. How the understanding of democracy has changed from the moment of its first mention? What values were got by this term?

24. In what of advantage and in what democracy lacks? Name distinctive signs of democracy as mode.

25. What reasons of occurrence of a totalitarian mode in Russia after October revolution of 1917?

26. What represents the modern Russian state on the form of government?

27. What political mode exists in Russia? Give reason for the answer.

Logic tasks and problem questions

1. Note weaknesses of a position of ZH.ZH.Russo confirming: «If someone refuses to obey to the general will it to it will be forced by all organism, and it means not that other as that its force will force to be free». Whether the people power can be limited by something?

2. Discussion about essence of democracy till now proceeds. What, in your opinion, the statement expresses sense of democracy more precisely:

«This system is called as democratic because it is based not on minority (citizens), and on their majority. In relation to private interests our laws represent equality for all» (Перикл);

«Democracy - is not so much way of board, how many way to limit the government that it did not disturb razvi -

тию in the person of the main values which are given by a family and belief »(R.Reagan);

«Democracy... In it terrible power of destruction... Certainly, destruction creates, it clears away a place... But the valid creativity in democracy is not present - and to it it not the future. The future out of a policy...» (A.I.Herzen).

Note merits and demerits of each statement.

3. What factors, in your opinion, influence a choice of a political mode? Once S.Monteske connected this choice with the sizes of the state: «the Democratic board is most suitable for the small states, aristocratic - for averages, monarchic - for big». How much, in your opinion, the rights the French thinker?

4. One of the most laconic definitions of democracy has been given by the sixteenth US president Avraam Linkolnom (1809-1865): «Democracy is the board of the people selected the people and for the people». Having correlated the made definition with modern political practice, whether it is possible to assert, what it is valid so? Whether There is no contradiction in A.Linkolna's formula?


Тема 9 Политический режим


Сущность власти заключается в ее способности придавать отношениям между людьми целесообразность, разумность, упорядоченность.

Общество как сложная система взаимодействия индивидов, групп, организаций нуждается в управлении, регуляции и согласовании человеческих интересов и действий. Власть упорядочивает социальные отношения с помощью различных средств: насилия, принуждения, убеждения, поощрения, страха и т.д. Совокупность средств и методов реализации политической власти, определяющая степень свободы и правовое положение личности, называется политическим режимом.

В тоже время политический режим – это способ функционирования политической системы общества, который определяет характер жизни в стране и отражает уровень политической свободы, а также отношение органов власти к правовым основам их действительности. Признаками политического режима являются:

- cтепень участия народа в механизмах формирования политической власти, а также сами способы такого формирования;

- соотношение прав и свобод человека с правами и поведением государства;

- гарантированность прав и свобод личности;

- характеристика реальных механизмов осуществления власти в обществе;

- положение средств массовой информации, степень гласности в обществе и прозрачность деятельности государственного аппарата;

- место и роль негосударственных структур в политической системе;

- тип политического поведения больших групп людей;

- учет интересов меньшинства при принятии политических решений;

- доминирование определенных методов при реализации власти;

- степень верховенства закона во всех сферах общественной жизни;

- политическое и юридическое положение и роль в обществе силовых структур государства (армии, полиции, органов государственной безопасности);

- мера политического плюрализма в обществе;

- существование реальных механизмов привлечения к политической и правовой ответственности должностных лиц, включая самых высших.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 435;

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