Involving of social groups and individuals in a policy is caused by their aspiration to realise the socially significant interests. However interests existing at them are realised not directly, and mediated by those values and senses in which the relation of subjects of a policy to the power, political institutes, elite, leaders etc. senses and values is expressed ordered by political culture dominating in a society, that is is standard-valuable system which the majority of the population adheres. The Tsennostno-standard system exists in a kind общераспространенных and the standard fundamental behavioural, political values and ideals.
Fig. 15.1. Elements of political culture
From the moment of the occurrence of the politician as one of the main public spheres of life had tsennostno-standard measurement in which representations of people about the public blessing, about the most fair society organisation were expressed. All arising political institutes, their social mission, forms of interaction of the power and the person are defined by existing political culture of a society.
For the first time the term «political culture» was used in XVIII century by German educator I.Gerder. Naturally, he did not assume that the concept of political culture will make such impact on a political science and practice. Explanatory possibilities of political culture are defined by a polysemy and many-sided nature of its measurements.
The political culture represents set of values, installations, belief, orientations and symbols expressing them which are standard and serve streamlining of political experience and regulation of political behaviour of all members of a society. It includes not only political ideals, values and installations, but also effective standards of political life.
Thus, the political culture defines the most typical samples and rules of political behaviour, interaction of the power, the individual and a society.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 464;