Actual problems of the further perfection of a civil society in Kazakhstan

Marx in due time, speaking about character of interaction of a civil society and the state, underlined that exists three possible variants of existence of the given institutes: the first is based on their opposition, the second is characterised by friendly relations and the third assumes an antagonism in which result the winner absorbs the won. We can say with confidence that Kazakhstan from first days of Independence follows on the second way - interactions, cooperation and supports. In the country are stage by stage spent various modernization the transformations directed on development of institutes of a civil society.

The expert community of Kazakhstan allocates some stages in formation of a civil society. One of conditions of its occurrence - occurrence in all citizens of economic independence on the basis of a private property.

The economic, social, political reforms which have begun in the late eighties - the beginning of 1990th years, promoted creation of the organisations on public principles for protection and representation of interests of various social groups. It is considered to be these years the beginning of the first stage of building of a civil society in Kazakhstan. By March, 1st, 1990 in republic it has been registered an order of 100 public associations which activity concerned decisions of problems of legal development of citizens, ecological safety of the country, support of socially vulnerable levels of population, youth, professional groups.

On June, 27th 1991 is passed the Law «About public associations of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic». As a result by 1994 in РК operated more than 400 non-governmental organisations.

The second stage - with 1994 for 1997 - in formation of a civil society in Kazakhstan is designated as the period of quantitative and qualitative growth of the non-governmental organisations. For this period number NGO has grown four times. Their activity became more differentiated and professional.

It is the period of important achievements of the public associations created at the beginning of Independence. For example, antinuclear movement «Nevada - Semipalatinsk» as a result of the activity by the given moment could achieve closing of Semipalatinsk range and its disbandment. Problems of a consequence of nuclear tests were discussed on the international congresses of the Global antinuclear alliance initiated by movement.

On October, 12th, 2011 during the International forum «For the denuclearized world» Head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev has noted necessity of creation of world antinuclear movement for the purpose of maintenance of "global nuclear safety». On international scene Kazakhstan with confidence declares itself as about the state, free from nuclear tests and the weapon.

The national cultural centres have united in АPК. On March, 1st, 1995 President РК signs the Decree «About formation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan» (now - Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan). Idea of the international consent, peace residing more than 140 ethnic groups in territory of the country - one of the main achievements of Independence.

During this period it is created, the legal base for development of a civil society is modernised: December, 1994 - the republican tripartite commission on social partnership in sphere of social and economic and labour relations is created. 1995 - acceptance of Constitution РК, 1996 - are passed laws «About public associations» and «About political parties».

As a result of privatisation of mass media there are qualitative changes in the environment of mass media. System of the state social order successfully realised today is approved for the first time through interaction of mass-media and the state.

- 1997-2002 - the scientific countries characterise the third stage as a development cycle and acceptances of mechanisms of effective interaction of the state with the non-governmental organisations. Number NPО by the given period has reached 3 500. Changes are made To 1998 in the Constitution and additions which promoted acceleration of processes of party building.

In 1999 in all regions «Info-centres NPО» consultation, increase of legal literacy, informing and methodical support of the regional non-governmental organisations became which basic purpose are opened. As a result «the third sector» is widely presented in all areas of Kazakhstan.

The leader of the Nation Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev repeatedly underlined importance of creation of necessary conditions for development of non-governmental sector in the country. In 2000 Confederation NPO of Kazakhstan is created. Besides active participation in working out of government programs in social policy sphere its activity is directed on cooperation with state bodies on creation of effective mechanisms of interaction. In many respects thanks to such mechanism in December, 2000 «the Law is passed About social partnership in Republic Kazakhstan», and in 2001 - the Law «About the noncommercial organisations».

For 10 years of development the non-governmental sector of Kazakhstan has found the face and became the important tool of democratic building.

The following stage - - is marked 2002-2005 by acceptance of the key documents regulating system of mutual relations of non-governmental sector and the state which promoted qualitative changes in development of a civil society. During this period the governmental program of state support НПО for 2003-2005 is accepted and realised.

She has allowed to create optimum conditions for sustainable development NPO in Kazakhstan, to raise their role and participation in the decision of socially significant problems of a society on the basis of interaction and with state support. For practical realisation of the program at republican level it is allocated by 42 million tenge.

On October, 15th, 2003 at the initiative of the President N.Nazarbayev I Civil forum which has become by the first large action, united state bodies, НПО and the international organisations for construction of meaningful dialogue and effective partnership is spent.

By results of sociological poll among representatives of "the third sector», the Civil forum, spent each two years at regional and republican levels, became the important tool and an effective dialogue platform in system of relations «the state - a civil society». 93,2 % of participants of poll adhere to the given point of view.

In 2005 with a view of perfection of legislative base of interaction of state structures and «the third sector» «the Law is passed About the state social order». With 2005 within the limits of the given document in republic the central and local executive powers hold competitions of socially significant projects NPO.

Their purpose consists that the state finances the projects directed on the decision of social problems of a society, and the non-governmental organisations working with the population, realise them.

In 2003, according to the Ministry of culture РК, within the limits of the Program of state support НПО the volume of state financing of socially significant projects has made 10 million 700 thousand tenge, in 2010 - 1 billion 2 million, and in present - over 1,3 billion tenge.

In 2003 during carrying out of pilot competition of projects NPO in the culture and information RK Ministry 120 demands from 109 NPO almost from all regions of republic have arrived. The commission recognised won 20 projects for a total sum of 10,7 million tenge.

In 2005 within the limits of II Civil forum under the initiative of "the third sector» Civil alliance NPO is created. Same year the National information resource centre of non-governmental organisations RK is formed.

Thus, it is possible to tell that during this period processes институционализации the Kazakhstan civil society are finished.

In 2006 the Concept of development of civil society RК for 2006-2011 which has defined a trajectory of a following stage of formation of civil institutes is accepted. During realisation of positions of the document extensive work on perfection of corresponding legal base is spent.

For today NPО take active part in working out of bills, realisations of programs, carrying out of public hearings on socially significant problems.

As show results of sociological polls RSА «Democracy Institute», over the last 10 years the number of the experts positively estimating interaction between authorities and institutes of a civil society practically has three times increased.

The system of the state social order existing today acts as an important source of activity and existence of "the third sector». In 2010 on the instructions of the President for realisation state order it is allocated over 1 billion tenge. Volumes of financing НПО in the area of department with 2003 for 2010 have increased in 100 times.

In 2011 by the ministry it is allocated more than 1 billion tenge plus of 225 million from other structures.

Support by the state of non-governmental sector allows to be engaged not only problems of development of a civil society is also the decision of questions of employment. For example, in Kazakhstan operates more than 18 thousand NPО, in them it is involved over 500 thousand persons.

Head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev in 2000 in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan has underlined importance and necessity of development of "the third sector» in the country in close cooperation with state structures. Visiting regions of Kazakhstan, the President pays separate attention to meetings with representatives NPО.

Key government programs in social policy sphere are realised by means of activity of "the third sector». In republic there are steady groups NPO in the most various directions. For today as the most active public associations in public health services sphere, ecological, youth, remedial, in the field of culture, a science, formation, соцзащиты, gender act.

Republican and regional executive powers actively co-operate with «the third sector», involving their experts in working out of key program documents, holding joint training seminars, actions for population informing. Through NPО and professional associations to the population there is a number of services of social character.

Within the limits of development of the public initiative and creation of a platform for dialogue between a civil society and the state throughout seven years the culture Ministry, Fund of the First President, the International institute of world politics spend fairs of social ideas and projects. Their basic purpose - demonstration of possibilities and achievements of the noncommercial organisations.

During work of fairs participants have possibility not only to present the ideas, projects, workings out, but also to exchange experience in frameworks of master classes, seminars, to find sponsors for realisation of the workings out, new partners and adherents.

It is considered to be the main indicator of successful development of a civil society high level of self-organising and the initiative from institutes «third sector». The state in process of the development expands possibilities of participation of citizens in the course of acceptance of socially significant decisions. Fairs of social ideas and projects are represented by the effective mechanism in stimulation of the initiative from non-governmental sector, aspiration to new achievements and tops.

The overwhelming majority of participants of the expert poll spent RSА «Democracy Institute», was noted by importance and necessity of carrying out of similar fairs. 95,6 % recognised as their powerful stimulus in development of civil sector.

According to organizers of fair of 2011, on competition 175 projects on seven nominations have been submitted: «Social initiatives» - 43, «the Healthy way of life - our choice!» - 29, «a family and a sustainable development» - 25, «Spiritual education of youth» - 24, «culture Territory» - 24, «Young generation - a way choice» - 19 and «the Civil society» - 11. The most active participants of a steel of Almaty, Astana, the Karaganda, South Kazakhstan, Almaty, East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar areas. We will notice that the given regions are also leaders on number НПО.

According to Ministry of culture, in the country it is registered over 35 thousand noncommercial organisations, including more than 18 thousand non-governmental. Today as a result of support from the state the given sector is the most dynamical.

Thus, for 20 years of Independence Kazakhstan could provide all necessary conditions for development of a civil society. For expired time the legislative base of activity НПО is created, mechanisms of their interaction with state structures are debugged, annually within the limits of the state social order the projects directed on the decision of problems of citizens and the state are realised.

Institutes of a civil society have passed on new - higher, qualitative level of cooperation and consolidation. The role of non-governmental sector as intermediary between the power and a society in the decision of social problems has amplified.



For the decision of problems of perfection of a civil society in Kazakhstan, according to the author, realisation of a complex of cardinal ideologically-theoretical and practical political measures is necessary. Presumably such steps could become:

1. Drawing up of the program of the further formation and development of a civil society as horizontal information system which would provide examination of ways of the decision of social problems, and also coordination of activity of structures of a civil society and the power.

2.Working out and realisation of system of participation of Public chamber, the noncommercial organisations, political and political associations in preparation of bills, development of decisions and the organisation of control by structures of a civil society behind execution of the accepted laws at all levels.

3.Formation of the mechanism of realisation of the national projects initiated as the state, the President, and structures of a civil society, and maintenance of this process with the state and public structures.

Creation of legislative base, working out of laws and regulations
certificates defining methods of joint system work of structures of a civil society and the government.

The organisation of work of the situational centre under the analysis

Functioning, developments, activity and interference of a civil society and the power, and also those possible consequences or other decisions of the power on sociopolitical conditions.

A professional training and a personnel reserve in system of a civil society, the government on the basis of Legislative Assemblies and local governments in «Institute of a civil society and local government».

All these measures will accelerate advancement of reforms, creation of a civil society, will expand information, analytical possibilities of the state and a society, will put a barrier of corruption and will raise authority of the country on the world scene.

Questions for self-checking:

1. What is the civil society? What reflects the given concept?

2. What is a basis of a civil society? Than the civil society and the state differ?

3. With what the identification of concepts "state" and «a civil society» to the middle of XVII century is connected?

4. How the nature of a civil society and its parity with the state in liberal political thought was understood?

5. There are distinctions in T.Gobbs's approaches and J. Lock to understanding of a role of a civil society?

6. In what specificity of treatment of mutual relations of the state and a civil society at V.G.Gegel?

7. Compare Marxist and social - democratic interpretations of mutual relations of the state and a civil society.

8. What differences of a traditional society from the civil?

9. How mutual relations of the state and a civil society in the history have changed?

10. Process of formation of a civil society faces what problems in Kazakhstan?

Themes of reports:

1. The Concept of a civil society: ideological sources and the basic marks of formation.

2. Formation of a civil society in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects.

3. A state Role in perfection of a civil society.

4. The Analysis of Internet participation of citizens in the politician in studying of the mechanism of interaction of the state and a civil society

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 594;

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