Software application for solving problems of specialized professional sphere.
The explosive growth of computer power in the past two decades has changed the all professional way is done enormously. The computer lets us do calculations and solve problems that were considered permanently unsolvable a generation ago. Yet so far the computer has had surprisingly little impact on the all professional spheres. It isn't hard to see why. Until recently it was too expensive to provide all students with unlimited access to the hardware. But the recent development of cheap but powerful personal computers and workstations has changed all that.
There are a lot of software application helping to solve different problems, in different types of professional spheres. Let’s consider the most common of them:
College Algebra Solved!
“College Algebra Solved!” is a student’s friendly software from Bagatrix. It was used by many college students as a tool for attempting maths home work and scientific projects.
It can solve extensive algebraic equations, plot graph, mark trigonometric values as well as present several test for improving one’s skill in Mathematics and sciences.
Algebra 2 Solved!
“Algebra 2 Solved!” is an improvement on the “College Algebra Solved!” software. More functions were added to it, more detailed working methods were used to present solutions to problems.
Solving simultaneous equations, polynomials, surd and several algebraic equations is made possible, easy and effortless with the “Algebra 2 Solved!” PC software.
“Mathway” combines the power of “College Algebra Solved!”, “Algebra 2 Solved!” and “Calculus Solved!” to bring an all-efficient web and mobile app to solve complicated mathematics expressions and scientific equations.
“Mathway” can solve problems in Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, Finite Math, Linear Algebra, and Chemistry.
It is a very handy maths tool for teachers, parents, students and engineers.
Math Expert
“Math Expert” is a very useful android app for attempting maths and scientific problems, it is not as robust as the other apps we listed above, but still an efficient for engineering and maths students.
“Math Expert” has vast database for physics, chemistry and maths formulas.
F(x) Mathematics
“f(x) Mathematics” is a free android app to solve mathematics and scientific problems, it can solve problems related to:
· Statistics
· Differential and integral calculus
· Linear algebra, vectors, matrices
· Complex number calculation
· Modulo calculation with big integer and fractions
· Curve sketching, limes, minima, maxima
“f(x) Mathematics” calculates any formula you want and show them in a 2d or 3d plot. The natural display shows fractions, roots and exponents as you would expect it from mathematics.
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 757;