The future of Smart TV

Experts are quite optimistic about the commercial potential of new generation TVs.

According to the latest forecast of the analytical company DisplaySearch the number of televisions equipped with Internet access by 2015 will reach 500 million – about 47% of the market.


Lecture №13.

Subject: E-technologies. Electronic business. Electronic training. Electronic government.


Plan of lecture

1. The concept of e-government

2. The infrastructure of e-government

3. Technology of construction and analysis of business processes. Principles for the development of technical specifications


Keywords: e-government, infrastructure, unified, workflow.

1. The concept of e-government

The term "electronic government» (e-Government) designate a single system, which will bring together all public authorities and enable them to provide services to the public via the Internet, electronic terminals or even mobile phone. And not only to individuals but also to companies or entrepreneurs.

Interactions between government, business and citizens, and constitute the main models in e-government: G2C (government-to-citizen), G2B (government-to-business) and G2G (government-government).

E-Government - a way to provide information and assistance already formed a set of public services to citizens, businesses, other branches of government and public officials, in which the personal interaction between the state and the applicant is minimized as much as possible, and use information technology.

E-government - electronic document management system of government based on the totality of the automation of management processes across the country and serving as objective a significant increase in the efficiency of public administration and reduce costs of social communications for each member of society. Creation of e-government involves the construction of nation-wide distributed system of public administration, implementing the full range of solution to problems related to the management of documents and their processing.

E-government is part of the e-economy.


2. The infrastructure of e-government

The infrastructure of e-government - is a regional data center and data network on a regional scale, to which all public authorities and institutions, as well as public access centers, multipurpose centers, call centers and the portal of public services.

Building the infrastructure of e-government is to create the basic components of e-government. The infrastructure of the "e-Government" includes the following databases:

- "Individuals"

- "Legal person"

- "Address register"

- "Real Estate Registry";

- A web portal and gateway e-government,

- A unified system of electronic document (e-WSS)

- Certification centers (public key infrastructure);

- A common transport medium (ETS).


3. Technology of construction and analysis of business processes. Principles for the development of technical specifications

Business process and its description

Business process - a system of consistent, targeted and regulated activities, in which the means of control action and with the help of resource inputs are converted into outputs, results of the process of value to consumers.

Business process - a time-ordered set of tasks performed by both human and enterprise information systems, which aims at achieving the previously known business goals for a certain time.

Description of the business process includes the following steps.

Description of the environment of the business process

Description of inputs and outputs

Description of the internal structure of the business process

1. Description of the suppliers and customers of the business process. These suppliers and customers of the process can be both internal and external. Internal customers are suppliers and other business processes.

2. Description of the input of the business process, management, resources and outputs This description allows you to clearly describe the business process and its boundaries.

In principle, every business process can be multiple inputs and outputs. Some of them are basic and some optional. For example, the release process can be not only a finished product or a semi-finished product, and waste products, which can be used in other business processes. If you just try to take into account everything that is unlikely to increase until the end of the description. First, you need to take into account only the main entrances and exits, and then, to the extent of detail, and additional.

For each business process must beat describes all control actions, according to which the process input is converted to its output. This technical documentation, technology, regulations, standards etc.

It is also necessary to describe and necessary resources: staff, equipment, tools, energy, etc.

3. After the description of all inputs and outputs of the business process disclosed its internal structure that describes the interaction between the works, providing transformation of input into output resources and the management of each work. In fact, all these works are the business processes of a lower level.

A detailed description of the business processes of the lower level can be used to provide additional facilities in which describes the process of transformation of inputs into output: logical operators, conditional jumps, as well as items showing delays.

The decomposition of the business process can contain multiple hierarchical levels, and can last as long as the inner workings of the business process will be finished or semi-finished product, having another user. For example, if the internal work is at the entrance to the electronic components, and the output of the electronic board mounted, you can write a description of the business process of this work. But further work, such as installation of components on the board, has hardly appropriate to describe as a separate business process is a function or a single operation.

The terms of reference, the stages of the creation of technical specifications

The Terms of Reference (TOR) - the original document for work on the creation of the site, software development or corporate information system (CIS). TK includes a feasibility study for the development, basic technical requirements for the site (CIS) and other input data for development. The TK site (EIS) indicates the purpose of the site (CIS), turnaround time, and the special requirements due to the specifics of the site or its terms of use. Creating TK site (CIS) is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the project.

Correct TK, written and agreed among all stakeholders and decision makers is key to the successful implementation of the project.

Large Internet projects (e-stores, auctions, electronic customer service system) require serious research project. Usually these studies are allocated a separate budget, and sometimes no less than the actual development of the project. Not every customer is ready to issue such a statement. We often design the study to minimize or part of the research carried out for free in hopes of getting a major project that could eventually have a negative impact on the performance.

As a rule, the customer is not a professional in the field of high technology, and the challenge they put on a general level. In this case the Contractor may itself propose options, the order and stages of solving this problem.

Once outlined the main tasks, and in general it is clear what the customer wants, it is necessary to clarify the terms of reference.

At this stage it appears:

- Structure of the site (some themed pages will be arranged on site);

- What technologies will be used (programming languages, special tools);

- Hardware and software server;

- The basic software modules (forum, chat, feedback, the output product catalog, customer registration, etc.);

- Type of hosting (firm, dedicated line, a separate server).

When these questions will get a clear and a clear answer, then you can start to write the terms of reference.

Typically, all the work is divided into several stages. This is to ensure that the customer can check the Contractor's work and are constantly aware of the development process, on the other hand for each stage of advance paid by the Customer and the Contractor can receive money within the project.

The terms of reference signs each stage, and you must specify what is to be received from the customer at the beginning of each stage, and what should be the output (operating system, code, etc.)

For the items to be listed on the output of each phase will be the acceptance of work

Bases and methods of electronic training of "E-Learning".

Modern technologies of creation of remote courses in the environment of "E-Learning".

Keywords: information and communicative technologies, the computer, the Internet, multimedia, computer programs electronic training, distance learning, training by means of the computer, network training.

Illustrative material: Slide, scheme.


1. Information and communicative technologies, possibilities of ICT

Now need of the organization of process of training evolved from modern information and communicative technologies where as information sources all are more widely used electronic means, first of all, the global telecommunication Internet. Computers intensively interfere in our life. Each modern educated person has to have at least elementary knowledge, work skills on the personal computer, i.e. to be information the competent. The computer — operational means of presentation in training, the assistant in working off of practical abilities of pupils, in the organization and carrying out poll and control of school students, and also control and an assessment of homeworks, in work with schemes, tables, schedules, symbols etc., in editing texts and correction of mistakes in creative works of pupils. Feature of the computer (programmed) training is the poshagovost of independent activity of pupils promoting activization of educational process, and also existence of operational feedback on the basis of which the individualization and differentiation of training is possible.

Use of information and communicative technologies allows:

• to stir up cognitive activity of pupils;

• to conduct lessons at the high esthetic and emotional level;

• to provide high extent of differentiation of training (almost an individualization);

• to increase the volume of the performed work at a lesson by 1,5-2 times;

• to improve control of knowledge;

• it is rational to organize educational process, to increase efficiency of a lesson;

• to form skills of originally research activity;

• to provide access to various help systems, electronic libraries, other information resources.


Information and communicative technologies can significantly increase efficiency of educational process, solve the problems of education of comprehensively developed, creatively free personality facing educational institution.

There are following types of computer programs:

• Training (tutorial) programs are used mainly at an explanation of new material for its maximum assimilation.

• Programs exercise machines — for formation and fixing of skills, and also for self-training of pupils. These programs when theoretical material is already acquired by trainees are used.

• The controlling programs — for control of a certain level of knowledge and abilities. This type of programs is presented by various test tasks, including in a test form.

• Demonstration programs — for evident demonstration of a training material of descriptive character, various visual aids (a picture, photos, video fragments).

• Directory programs — for a conclusion of necessary information with connection to educational resources of the Internet.

• Multimedia textbooks — the comprehensive programs combining the majority of elements of the listed types of programs.

2. Bases of electronic training of E-Learning


E-learning (in an abridged from English Electronic Learning) — system of electronic training, a synonym of such terms as electronic training, distance learning, training with use of computers, network training, virtual training, training by means of informational, electronic technologies.

There is a definition which specialists of UNESCO gave: "e-Learning — training with the help the Internet and multimedia".

Can have some values:

• independent work with electronic materials, with use of the personal computer, a PDA, the mobile phone, DVD player, TV;

• receiving consultations, councils, estimates at the expert (teacher), possibility of remote interaction removed (territorially);

• creation of the distributed community of users (social networks) conducting the general virtual educational activity;

• timely round-the-clock delivery of electronic training materials;

• standards and specifications on electronic training materials and technologies, remote tutorials;

• formation and increase of information culture at all heads of the enterprises and divisions of Group and mastering by them modern information technologies, increase of efficiency of the usual activity;

• development and promoting of innovative pedagogical technologies, transfer to their teachers;

• opportunity to develop educational web resources;

• opportunity at any time and a place to gain the modern knowledge which is in any available point of the world;

• availability of the higher education to persons with features of psychophysical development

3. Methods of electronic training

At the level of subject matters when studying concrete material all-didactic methods of training in system TO are realized through a set of methods of training, each of which represents the specific action directed on achievement of the private purpose and which is carried out by means of various didactic tutorials. It is possible to believe, as in system TO when using means of IT, what reception wouldn't be invented by the teacher when training, or the listener (at the doctrine), it will always appear a component of one or several all-didactic methods of training.

From a known set of methods of training, used in traditional didactics, for TO can be recommended: demonstration, illustration, explanation, story, conversation, exercise, solution of tasks, learning of a training material, written works, repetition.

The analysis of activity of the DO educational institutions showed that at TO informatsionnoretseptivny and reproductive methods of training in total with the problem are most widely used now.


4. Modern technologies of creation of remote courses in the environment of E-Learning

— set of the technologies providing delivery to trainees of the main volume of the studied material, interactive interaction of trainees and teachers in the course of training granting training the Distance Learning (DL)


Lecture 14.

Subject: Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT.


1. Software application for solving problems of specialized professional sphere.

2. Modern IT trends in the professional field: medicine, energy, etc.

3. Using the search engines and electronic resources for professional purposes.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 411;

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