My Future Profession

(A Manager in the Sphere of Culture)

I think that choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things any person does in a lifetime. There are a lot of career prospects nowadays. According to the official statistics law and financial careers are the most prestigious and demanded. No less popular are journalism, international tourism and language careers. I decided to become a manager in the social and cultural sphere. That is why I entered the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts which prepares highly skilled specialists in the cultural sphere.

When choosing my future profession I tried to be realistic about my bents and inclinations, strengths and weaknesses. I am a real leader and I am not afraid of making and carrying out decisions, managing people and their activities. I think that the profession ofa manager in the sphere of culture is very creative, really challenging and rather ambitious. It requires much energy and enthusiasm, and of course profound knowledge of a lot of sciences. That is why at the university we study such specialized and non-specialized subjects as native and foreign languages, the history of Belarusian art and culture, management, marketing, advertising, the history and theory of international relations, culture studies.

I think a good manager in the sphere of culture is a mixture of a manager, a specialist in the culture studies, interpreter and an art critic. Managers in the cultural sphere should possess a lot of qualities. They deal with people so they have to be sociable and positive. Of course, they should have managing skills and be extremely responsible. They should be well-educated people, having a good command of at least two languages, and being aware of cultural differences of various nations.

When I graduate from the university I will have a chance to choose among state and private establishments of culture and arts, tourist and advertising agencies and firms, mass media. I will be able to work as an art manager, a manager of video and cinema studios or fine art studios, an administrator of show business or a manager of tourist business.

Speaking frankly, I think that I am a talented, creative, self-confident and ambitious person and I wish to become famous one day. My long-term goal is to become the best manager in the cultural sphere in our country. I promise to do my best to developcultural contacts of Belarus with other countries of the world; to promote young and professional artists, Belarusian cultural organizations and their projects.




to choose one’s career – to get a job - career prospects - bents and inclinations - strengths and weaknesses - to make a decision - to carry a out decision - to manage people - to be challenging - to be ambitious - to require - profound knowledge - culture studies - an interpreter - an art critic - to possess - quality - to deal with - to be sociable - managing skills - to be responsible - to be well-educated - to have a good command of something to be aware of something - speaking frankly \ frankly speaking - to be self-confident - a long-term goal - to do one’s best - to promote -  

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 1202;

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