Answer the following questions.
1. What is the former name of the university?
2. When was the Minsk Institute of Culture set up?
3. Whom does it keep its doors wide open to?
4. How many faculties are there in the university?
5. What faculties does it consist of?
6. How many students \ teachers study \ work in the university?
7. Are there students from abroad?
8. Are there any artistic groups in the university?
9. Do you take an active part in the social life of the university? What are you involved in?
10. Name at least several subjects that are taught in the university.
11. How many books are there in the library of the university?
12. Are you going to use the resources of the library often?
Writing and speaking.
- Do you agree with the statement that “Good education means a good start in life”? Share your thoughts with your groupmates.
- What are your first impressions of the university, its atmosphere, classes, students, and teachers? Share your opinion with the group.
Student’s Life
Last summer I made up my mind to become a _____________. So I passed entrance exams to the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts successfully and now I am a first-year student of the Faculty of _______________. My dream has come true.
As a matter of fact my typical day doesn’t differ much from that of any other student in our country: lectures, seminars, exams, household duties, pastime, clubs, friends, etc. I am not an early riser and it is rather difficult for me to get up at 6.30 a.m. every morning. Morning exercises and a quick shower, tasty breakfast and a cup of fresh coffee help me to wake up and restore an optimistic approach to life.
In the mornings I always feel the desire to learn new things and discover new horizons. I should say that the majority of our classes are interesting and informative, never boring or disappointing. The classroom atmosphere is usually friendly and enjoyable, non-stressful and stimulating. Our lecturers and tutors are real professionals who skillfully stimulate our desire to know, to investigate.
I understand perfectly well that knowledge is socially demanded and needed nowadays that is why I try to do my best and learn a lot during the university years. It’s my firm believe that good education means a good start in life. But I am only a fresher and of course I have some problems from time to time. Sometimes I miss lectures and don’t do my homework, jump from subject to subject putting off the most important things until the last moment. As a result I fall behind my group in some subjects, hand in my home tasks late, pass the tests by the skin of my teeth or simply fail them. But I understand that the best way to avoid such problems is to plan the time and to organize the work.
When my classes are over I usually go home. It takes me half an hour to get home by bus. At 2 p.m. I have the most substantial meal of the day. I always have a rest after dinner. I like reading, watching TV, dancing, listening to music, meeting with friends and having a chat with them or just doing nothing. From 5 till 8 I usually get ready for classes. In the evening when I am through with my lessons I have supper. I go to bed at about 11 p.m.
This is a typical day of mine. But I try to make my student life more impressive and enjoyable by taking part in social activities in the university. I like sports and I am fond of skating and rollerblading, dancing and jogging. I adore socializing with my friends: going to the cinemas and theatres, dancing at night clubs and singing karaoke.
to make up one’s mind to do something –
to pass entrance exams –
a first-year student –
a fresher –
to differ –
household duties –
early riser \ owl –
to wake up –
to have a shower –
to restore an optimistic approach to life –
to discover new horizons –
the majority of –
to be disappointing –
stimulating atmosphere –
to stimulate –
to investigate –
to be demanded –
to do one’s best –
it’s my firm believe –
from time to time –
to skip lectures –
to put off –
to fall behind the group in some subjects –
to hand in home tasks –
to pass the tests by the skin of one’s teeth –
to fail tests \ exams –
to avoid –
to be over –
substantial meal –
to have a chat –
to be through with something –
impressive –
to adore something –
socializing \ to socialize –
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 714;