My Future Profession
(An Artist of Folk Crafts)
I think that choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things any person does in a lifetime. There are a lot of career prospects nowadays. According to the official statistics law and financial careers are the most prestigious and demanding. No less popular are journalism, international tourism and language careers. But I am fond of arts, and that is why I decided to enter the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts which prepares highly skilled specialists in the national cultural sphere. When choosing my future profession I tried to be realistic about my bents and inclinations, strengths and weaknesses.
When I graduate from the university I’ll be an artist of folk crafts. I am sure that it isn’t just a job it’s a vocation, a special call from God. The profession ofan artist is really challenging and rather ambitious. It requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and of course perfect knowledge of fine and applied arts (drawing, painting, engraving, chasing, forging, ceramics, wood-carving, cloth-weaving) and profound knowledge of a lot of sciences. That is why at the university we study such specialized and non-specialized subjects as native and foreign languages, drawing and painting, the history of Belarusian art and culture, psychology and pedagogy and many others. As an artist I should be able to distinguish the shades of colours and feel the texture of materials. While creating my future masterpieces I should combine my own originality and the experiences of previous generations. This will make each piece of decorative applied art a unique one.
Speaking frankly, I think that I am a talented, creative, self-confident and ambitious person and I wish to become famous one day. Though I’ll be able to work in our Republic’s clubs and palaces of culture, in different educational establishments as an interior decorator or a teacher of folk handicraft, my dream is to establish my own artistic studio where I could create and teach gifted children. It will give me self-satisfaction from a job well-done, money and recognition.
No doubt, folk crafts play an important role in the cultural life of the Republic of Belarus and our government pays great attention to the preservation and development of folk craft traditions. The activity of folk artists is encouraged by organizing different artistic contests and exhibitions. I hope that I will make my personal contribution to the flourishing of Belarusian culture and arts in future.
prospect – возможность
accordingtosomething – всоответствиисчем-то
tobedemanding – бытьвостребованным
bentsandinclinations – склонностиинаклонности
strengthsandweaknesses – сильные и слабые стороны (черты характера)
a vocation – предназначение
to be challenging – бросающийвызов
fineart – художественное искусство
appliedarts – декоративно-прикладное искусство
drawing – рисунок
painting – живопись
engraving – гравирование
chasing – чеканка
forging –ковка
ceramics – гончарство
wood-carving – резьба по дереву
cloth-weaving – ткачество
todistinguish – различать
to be self-confident – бытьувереннымвсебе
toencourage – поощрять, поддерживать, побуждать
toflourish – процветать
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 1265;