Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT
1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.
Аpplication package- a set of programs designed to meet the challenges of a certain class (functional subsystem, business application)method-oriented.
· the following types of PPP:
· general purpose (universal);
· problem-oriented,
· global networks;
· organization (administration) computing process whole..
IFR general purpose- versatile software designed to automate the development and operation of the user's functional tasks and information systems as a By this RFP class includes:
· text editor (word processor) and graphics,
· spreadsheets,
· database management systems (DBMS);
· integrated
· packages; Case-technology;
· the shell of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems changes.
RFP for creating and text documents, graphics, and illustrations, called the editor.
Text editors designed to handle text and perform mainly the following functions:
record the text file;
insert, delete, replace characters, lines, text fragments,
spell checking,
formatted text, different fonts,
text alignment
preparation tables of contents, splitting the text on the page;
search and replace words and expressions,
the inclusion in the text of simple illustrations;
text printing
The most widely used text editor Microsoft word, word Perfect (currently owned by the company Corel), chiWriter, Multi-Edit And other used.
Graphic editors are for processing graphic documents, including diagrams, illustrations, drawings and tables. Allowed to control the size and font of figures, moving figures and letters, the formation of any image. Among the most famous image editors can be called packages Corel DRAW, Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator.
Publishing systems combine the possibilities of text and graphic editors have developed capabilities for formatting strips with graphic materials and then printed. These systems are targeted for use in publishing and typesetting systems are called. Because these systems can be called PageMaker products from Adobe and Ventura Publisher of Corel Corporation.
Spreadsheets.Spreadsheet called RFP for processing tables.
The data in the table is stored in the cells located at the intersection of rows and columns. The cells can be stored numbers, formulas and character data. Formula values are set dependent on the contents of one cell to other cells. Changing the contents of a cell resulting in a change of values in the dependent cells.
The most popular PPP of this class are products such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, and others.
Database ManagementSystems.To create a database inside the machine information support uses special IFR - database management system-.
Database A set of specially data organized sets stored on disk adding,.
database management includes data entry, their correction and manipulation of data, that is, delete, retrieve, update, etc. Developed database applications to ensure the independence, working with them on the specific organization of information in databases. Depending on how these organizations are distinguished: network, hierarchical, distributed, relational database management system
from the available database the most widely used Microsoft Access, Microsoft FoxPro, Paradox (corporation Borland), and the Oracle database company, Informix, Sybase, Modern etc
2.Modern IT trends in the professional sphere: medicine, power, etc.
Computers have long been used in medicine. Many modern diagnostic methods based on computer technology. Such methods are surveys, as ultrasound or computed tomography, generally unthinkable without a computer. But in a more "old" methods of examination and diagnostic computers are invading more and more actively. Cardiogram and blood tests, the study of the fundus and dental health ... - It's hard to find an area of medicine in which computers have not been applied to more and more to.
Active, but only diagnostic use of computers in medicine is not limited They are increasingly beginning to be used in the treatment of various diseases -. Starting from the construction of the optimal treatment plan and to manage the various medical facilities during procedures
The information economy has changed many aspects of economic reality, in particular, and the function of money, that of a universal equivalent effort gradually turned into a means of calculation. Virtual banks and payment systems -. The fruit of development of information technologies
in economics and business information technology applied to the processing, sorting and aggregating data for the organization of interaction of actors and computer technology, to meet the information needs for operational communications, etc.
It is understood investment decision in the development of information technologies, as well as other management decisions should take into account economic feasibility. But it turns out that this very convenient to calculate the benefit in using all of the same information technologies. There are models of counting the total economic impact, which allows to take into account, among other things, additional benefits of the introduction of information technologies, scalability and flexibility of the systems, as well as potential risks.
3.Use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.
The search engine (Eng. engine) -searchit is a computer system designed tofor search information.One of the most well-known applications of search engines - web services to search for text or graphic information in the World WideWeb.There are also systems that can search for files on the FTP-server, goods inonlinestores, information in the Usenetnewsgroups.
To search for information using a search engine user formulates a search request.The search engine's job is to search for the user to find documents that contain any specified keywords, or words, in any way related to the keyword. In this case the search engine generates a search result page. Such a search listing may comprise various types of results, such as web pages, images, audio files. Some search engines also extract information from the appropriate database and web directory.
The search engine is better than more documents that are to relevant the user's request, it will return. Search results may become less relevant due to the nature of algorithms or due to human error. Мost popular search engine in the world is Google.
According to the methods of research and service shared by four types of search Systems using crawlers, systems controlled by a person, the hybrid system and the meta-system. The search system architecture typically includes:
· crawler that collects information from Internet sites or from other documents,
· indexer, provides a quick search on the stored information, and
· the search engine - a graphical interface for the user
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 962;