Cloud and Mobile technologies.


1.Date centres. Tendencies of development of the modern infrastructure decisions.

Data center (from the English data center.), оr center (and storage), data (data center / TSHOD) - is a specialized building for the accommodation (hosting) server and network equipment and connecting users to the Internet channels,

Data Center performs processing functions, storage and dissemination of information, usually in the interest of corporate clients - it is focused on solving business problems by providing information services. Data centers are typically located within or in proximity to the node or connection point prisutstviyakakogo any one or more carriers. Quality and channel bandwidth does not affect the level of service as the main criterion for evaluating the quality of any data center is the server availability.

Modern infrastructure solutions.
Every year for the continuity of the business services requirements increase, and obsolete equipment to ensure the smooth functioning of virtually impossible. In this regard, the largest IT vendors produce and implement a more functional and reliable hardware and software solutions. Consider the basic tendencies of development of infrastructure solutions, which, one way or another, contributed to the emergence of cloud computing concept.

Growth performance computers. The advent of multi-core and multi-processor computer systems, the development of blade systems
1.The emergence of systems and storage area networks
2. Infrastructure Consolidation
The advent of blade systems

In the development of computer technology has always existed a large class of problems that require a high concentration of computing resources. These include, for example, complex high-performance computing (scientific problems, mathematical modeling), as well as maintenance tasks large number of users (distributed databases, Internet services, hosting). Increasing the number of computing units in the data center requires new approaches to the placement of servers, and also leads to an increase in premises costs for data centers, their power, cooling and maintenance. What is the Blade-server? By definition, this market research firm IDC Blade-server or blade - a modular single-board computer system that includes a processor and memory. The blades are inserted into a special chassis with a backplane (backplane), providing them a network connection and power supply.

The emergence of systems and storage area networks
Another feature of the modern history of the development of computer systems, along with the advent of blade servers, was the emergence of specialized systems and storage area networks. Internal storage subsystem servers often could not provide the required level of scalability and performance under a cascade of increasing the volume of information processed. As a result, there were external storage systems focused exclusively on the decision of the data storage tasks and providing data access interface for their use.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 3010;

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