Mobile device’s technology
Technology and technical devices of mobile commerce make user a large extent independent of stationary computing devices, providing all of the above possibilities for mobile phone or handheld computer available. This independence is very important for a business person: often the decision is released for a limited time, and it should not interfere with such factors as the inability to rapid clearance of the transaction or the lack of access to information channels.
Below listed are the mobile devices that are the most common nowadays, which allow to work in the area of mobile commerce.
Mobile phone with WAP function, GPRS or own microbrowser. Mobile (smartphone) has become a significant phenomenon of the late XX - early XXI century. Advances in technology and communication standards chips lowered the price of the phone for fifteen years, more than twenty times. This functionality has increased many times over - a modern smartphone is a powerful computing device with a flexible operating system, large memory, database, built-in frequency and time standard multimedia features, the ability to communicate with other electronic devices, and exit the Internet.
Mobile access to the Internet can take place via a wireless modem, built-in WAP-browser, or by synchronizing the device
It connected to the Internet (WAP-phone, a smartphone, a laptop, a personal computer). Application protocol wireless connection (Wireless Application Protocol - WAP) is a result of collaborative association WAP Forum, bringing together device manufacturers and mobile technology (Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung Electronics), telecommunications operators (Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, AT&T) and the company that manufacture software and services providers (Microsoft, IBM, RSA, Unwired Planet, Symbian). Association covers about 90% of the market wireless devices. The purpose of the association - to develop a unified open standard for exchanging content between wireless devices and Web-based server. The WAP protocol includes specifications for the transport and session layers (see chap. "Open Systems"), as well as data protection.
Increased attention to the WAP due to several reasons. One of them: Internet and mobile devices today – are two very promising and rapidly developing industry, therefore, the development of standard communication between them is one of the most popular solutions. WAP is a set of the following protocols:
• protocol ensuring the data exchange between the client and the server (Wireless Session Protocol - WSP);
• ensuring of transactions based on the protocol of the transport mechanism of requests and responses (Wireless Transaction Protocol - WTP, Request and Reply);
• wireless transmission Datagram Protocol (Wireless Datagram Protocol - WDP);
• to ensure the safety protocol (Wireless Transport Layer Security - WTLS).
Information is transmitted between the client and the WAP-WAP-server. In a typical mobile WAP-phone can act as a client. With microbrowser-program request is sent to the wireless access network, which is received by the WAP-gateway. WAP-gateway, in turn, sends the URL-request using the HTTP protocol the requested Web-site, with the requested Web-page to be written in a language WML (Wireless Markup Language). Web-site generates a response in WML format, sends it at WAP-gateway and from there, the requested information is transmitted to the mobile phone in the client binary format. After that, the information is decrypted and presented in a convenient form for the customer - audio, video, text message.
Mobile services on the Microsoft Azure platform - one of the most modern types of applications that can be developed in Visual Studio. Mobile service on the Azure platform - is a server application that manages cloud database used them to store information received from the mobile application on your mobile device. The scheme of the chain "mobile app- mobile service" next. The user (mobile client) on your smartphone can run a mobile application that interacts with the mobile cloud service in the Azure cloud. The mobile client enters the required information in the form of on-screen on a smartphone, and refers to the mobile service, stores the information in the cloud database. After this possible treatment
This scheme is useful in many areas: for example, a visit to the patient's doctor, who inspects the patient and transmits the data via their smartphone to the cloud database. This cloud-based database, in turn, can be quickly accessed by other doctors and clinic management, etc. In this respect, the use of cloud computing Azure platform provides a huge opportunity, both in terms of the volume of information stored in the cloud, and in terms of ease of use.
Дата добавления: 2017-05-18; просмотров: 1046;