Consolidation of IT infrastructure Consolidation - an association of computing resources or management structures in a single center.

Analysis of international experience allows us today to talk about a clear trend towards consolidation of corporate IT resources. That she is able to significantly reduce IT costs. Savings same tools can be directed to improving the quality of available information services, and the introduction of new ones. In addition to optimizing IT costs, consolidate IT resources, improves manageability enterprises through more current and complete information about their functioning. Usually they talk about consolidation:

a)servers - moving decentralized applications distributed on different company servers in one cluster of centralized homogeneous servers;
b) Storage - sharing of centralized storage multiple heterogeneous hosts;
c) Application - accommodation of multiple applications on a single host.

2. Principles of cloud computing. Technologies of virtualization. Web service in the Cloud.

Terms such as "cloud" and "cloud computing" since the beginning of zero began to be used quite often by the general public and actively Force IT-startups. For many of these concepts are abstract and vague. Let's see, what, specifically, is the - cloud computing.

Cloud computing - the public, the term that is defined in the authoritative sources like the following:

Cloud computing - a principle (model), according to which computing resources such as servers, storage and data processing device (or the services of the program - in other sources) are available on request from the customer, are provided with a network connection.
At the same time there are a few characteristics that the system should have recognition for its cloud. Here are the most common ones:

. The same resources (service data) can be obtained regardless of which device and how the customer uses the network node;
2. Ability to identify client's resources that it uses;
3. Price calculation depending on the volume of services used;
4. Flexibility - the ability for a customer at any time to change the amount of resources used by it in the automatic mode;
5. The presence of a service that provides computing services, API.
6. pooling of resources allocated among the clients in a single system.

Virtualization Technology
According to statistics, the average processing capacity utilization at the server running Windows does not exceed 10%, in Unix-based systems, this figure is better, but still an average of less than 20%. Low server utilization is due to widely used since the early 90s approach "one application - one server".., Ie, every time the company acquires a new server for the deployment of a new application. It is obvious that in practice this means a rapid increase in server park and as a consequence - increase in costs for its administration, power and cooling, as well as the need for additional space for the installation of all new servers and the acquisition of licenses for the server operating system.

Virtualization of resources of the physical server, allows the flexibility to distribute them between applications, each of which is thus "sees" only the resources dedicated to it and "thinks" that it a dedicated server, ie in this case implemented a "one server - several applications.". but without compromising performance, availability and security of server applications. In addition, virtualization solutions make it possible to run in different sections of the operating system via emulation of system calls to the hardware resources of the server.

The virtual car will be called the software or hardware environment that hides the real implementation of a process or an object from presentation.
Virtual car - a fully isolated software container that works with its own operating system and applications, like a physical computer. The virtual machine acts just like a physical computer and contains its own virtual (ie, software) of RAM, hard drive and network adapter.

Web services in the Cloud.
Often there are three options, three service models (eng. service — services, services) in the cloud:
1. IaaS — infrastructure as a service. This infrastructure consists of all neobhodimyh computer parts and provided so that it can be customised almost as iron in the form of a computer. Of course, it is served in the abstract after virtualization.
2. PaaS — platform as a service. In this case, the client works with the system at a higher level. If we compare these two services with standard hosting services, the difference between PaaS and IaaS can be thought of as the difference between normal shared hosting and VDS.
3. SaaS — software as a service. The user is given only implemented in the framework of service opportunities.

3.Main terms and concepts of mobile technologies. Mobile services. Standards of mobile technologies.

Дата добавления: 2017-05-18; просмотров: 1230;

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