The concept of information technology

An ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standards in the field of ICT.

1.Definition of ICT. Subject ICT and its purposes. An ICT role in key sectors of development of society.

Under the information and communication technologies is offered to understand the complex objects, actions, and rules relating to the preparation, processing and delivery of information at the personal, mass communication and production, as well as all technologies and sectors, providing integrated these processes.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) - a set of methods, workflows and software and hardware tools that are integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storage, distribution, display and use of information for the benefit of its members

To date, the concept of IT includes microelectronics, development and production of computers and software, connection and telephony, mobile services, providing Internet access, providing information resources of the Internet, as well as a variety of cultural phenomena associated with these areas of activity and rules (both formal and informal) that govern these areas of activity.

ICT Tools

By means of modern information and communication technologies to understand the software, firmware and hardware, as well as devices that operate on the basis of a microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern facilities and broadcast of information systems, information exchange, ensuring operation for the collection, the production, accumulation, storage, processing, communication and access to information resources of computer networks (including global).

By means of modern information and communication technologies include computers, PC, terminal equipment kits for computers of all classes, local area networks, the input-output device information input means and manipulation of text and graphic information, means of archiving large volumes of information, and other peripheral equipment modern COMPUTER; means for converting data from the graphics or audio data to digital representation and vice versa; tools and devices to manipulate audiovisual information (on the basis of technology and Multimedia "Virtual Reality"); artificial intelligence system; computer graphics system, programming systems (programming languages, compilers, compilers, operating systems, software packages, etc..), modern means of communication, providing information user interaction both at the local level (for example, within a single organization or multiple organizations) and global (as part of the global information environment).

The concept of information technology

Under the information technology to understand the totality of methods, production, software and technological tools combined in the processing chain, ensuring the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information. Information technologies are designed to reduce the complexity of the processes of information resources.

Computer information technologies involve the use of computer and network technologies for implementing a wide range of tasks:

Дата добавления: 2017-05-18; просмотров: 3736;

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