Desktop OS vs. Server OS
The OS can also be categorized as Desktop OS and Server OS depending on whether the OS is to be installed in a desktop computer or a server. For example, the latest versions of the Windows OS family can be categorized as follows:
Desktop OS: windows XP, windows 7, Windows 8
Server OS:
Operating Systems for your Desktop PC.
Utility Software.Utility software or utility programs are some small programs which performs specific task, usually related to managing a computer, its devices, or its programs. Most operating systems include several utility programs. Also, you can buy them as stand-alone software that offer improvements over the ones supplied with the OS. Following are some of the specific tasks done by commonly used utility programs:
Viewing files
Compressing files
Diagnosing problems
Scanning disks
Defragmenting disks
Uninstalling software
Backing up files and disks
Checking for viruses
Displaying screen savers
Application Software
Accordingly, the second major class of Software is the Application Software. Application software consists of programs designed to perform specific tasks of users. Application Software, also called a software application or an application, can be used for the following purposes, among others:
As a productivity/business tool
To assist with graphics and multimedia projects
To support household activities, for personal business, or for education
To facilitate communications
Software Package. Based on the purposes as listed above, the application software is three-fold namely General Purpose, Special purpose, and Bespoke. Let us look at each type of applications software briefly.
Special Purpose Application Software.
Special Purpose Application Software is the software created for execution of a single specific task. Some examples are Chess game, calculator, camera application in your mobile phone which allows you only to capture and share pictures, web browsers, media players, calendar programs.
Evolution of operating systems. Classification of operating systems, including for mobile devices.
What is Windows 7?It is redesigned with Windows Shell with a new taskbar. Windows 7 includes a number of new features, such as advances in touch and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disks, improved performance on multi-core processors, improved boot performance, Direct Access, and kernel improvements.
Дата добавления: 2017-05-18; просмотров: 1492;