The Soviet political culture as special type
Preservation in Soviet period as the standard standards of political behaviour подданнических political orientations, despite statements of the new power about wide participation of the population in the politician, has been caused by a number of the reasons.
First of all overcoming of social and economic and cultural backwardness of Russia it was possible to provide with strengthening integrating and мобилизующей state roles. Concentration of the economic, political and ideological power in hands of the new ruling class generated in Soviet period - the party nomenclature which began to personify the state, has led to absorption of the individual by a society. Легитимация the government, the statement of an aura of its sanctity, the higher and conclusive value in comparison with any other form of loyalty are characteristic for the countries with considerable relative density of marginal groups. They became a social base of the Soviet totalitarian mode. Technical, economic and cultural backwardness of a society in aggregate with dominating at the majority of the population patriarchal relations and a way of life have caused formation of peculiar features of culture political подданничества the Soviet type, and first of all such, as requirement for a management, feeling of gratitude to leaders, requirement for honouring of leaders, conformism etc.
Stability of these lines, their transfer have been from generation to generation connected with features of the political consciousness underlying подданнических political orientations of the Soviet type. The special role of political consciousness in structure of political culture is caused by that it is one of internal regulators of political activity through system of requirements, motives, installations, values etc. Simultaneously it acts as a source of formation of representations about activity political ends. The political consciousness under the maintenance represents comprehension of political interests (social groups, classes, ethnoses) and character of political relations in a society. However the maintenance of political consciousness is not settled by reflexion of the world of a policy. The last always is also the relation (positive or negative) to a reflected reality - the relation of approval or its negation. The political consciousness integrally merges, grows together with the estimated party with activity of social subjects.
The political consciousness of the Soviet type starts with utopian possibility of submission of a society to one universal idea -
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 431;