Tendencies of development of fragmentary political culture

The fragmentary political culture has no any steady tendencies. Process of its development and transformation in democratic culture is inconsistent. On the one hand, tendencies to self-organising, formation of groups are appreciable by interests, industrial, financial, agrarian lobbies, national movements, the religious organisations. On the other hand, various strata of society still too assign high hopes to the strong state. Acknowledgement of it is the growing requirement of an establishment of "the strong power», putting in order and safety in a society. Judging by polls spent to 1995 to connect the well-being with the strong state 64 % of Russians are inclined. Only 26 % interrogated believe that their financial position depends on them. Among the population demand for social guarantees that is shown in nostalgia on доперестроечным to times considerably increases. So, 65 % interrogated believed that the relation of the power to people has worsened in comparison with times of the USSR, and only 4 % have considered that it has improved.

Such moods are a natural consequence of an adverse social and economic situation in the country. By results of the same inspection of 25 % of adult population of the country recently are actually in a stressful condition, constantly having feeling of a hopelessness, fear and melancholy, and 40 more % often happen in a tension, sicken. The mentioned facts explain the reason of mass protest voting of voters on the all-Russian and regional elections against all candidates.

Considerably the tendency of decrease in interest to a policy amplifies. On the first free elections of 1989 more than half of voters in this or that form participated in promotion and discussion

Nominees, 70-80 % knew or represented in general platforms of candidates of the district, more than 30 % got acquainted with the corresponding information. Directly on polling district the decision on voting was accepted by 20 % of voters. On elections of 1990 of such voters one third was already, and on elections of 1993 every second voter has made the decision for whom exactly will vote, is direct in the election day.

At the same time, judging by election campaign of 1995, inclusiveness level in selective process and degree of interest in results of voting have enough increased. So, only 11-15 % of voters were going to come for sites «on a habit», «for the company» and on other little significant motives. 15-20 more % were going to vote to vex the political opponents. Remained two thirds of voters intended to vote, proceeding from motives of performance of a civic duty, desire to support "the" party or "the" candidate. Approximately 25 % of voting voters have declared that will not test any emotions concerning a victory or defeat of this or that candidate. Hence, approximately two thirds of voting voters carry out the choice on the basis of personally significant values and installations. Though not always level of competence of voters, their political sophistication allow them to make a correct choice.

Control questions to a theme

1. What reflects concept «political culture»?

2. What role is played by political culture in life of a society, the person? Result concrete examples of its importance.

3. Whether it is possible to explain by means of political culture distinctions in a political system, the power organisations in the concrete countries? Give reason for the answer examples.

4. What makes the maintenance of political culture?

5. What types of political cultures are allocated in a political science?

6. What signs distinguish culture of civilisation?

7. What type of political culture dominated in Soviet period and why?

8. Than, in your opinion, the American political culture differs from the modern Russian?

9. What factors and how influence process of formation of modern political culture?

10. What means the term «fragmentary political culture»?

11. Name the most typical lines of political culture at modern political leaders of Russia.

12. How the type of political culture of the Russian society influences a choice of a nominee of the president? It should possess what qualities to correspond to type of political culture of a society?

Logic tasks and problem questions

1. The known English political scientist R.Rose as follows characterises political culture of elite of an English society: «Change for the sake of change does not involve English politicians: they prefer to adapt to the aged political institutes, rather than to reject them». To what type of culture, on G.Almonda's classification, it is possible to carry the given political culture? Give reason for the answer.

2. How you think, whether there is an interrelation between level of financial position and type of political culture? Known American political scientist S.Lipset defends the thesis about natural adherence of needy levels of population to political extremism: propensities to the immediate decision of social problems violent methods. Liberal values, according to S.Lipseta, are inaccessible to uneducated workers owing to their complexity. Give reason for the answer.

3. How you think, than it is possible to explain prevalence in the western political culture of values of the consent and tolerance?

4. By results of G.Almonda and S.Verby's research, it is regular behind national political events 27 % of Americans, 23 % of Englishmen, 35 % of Germans, 11 % of Italians, 15 % of Mexicans watch. Whether it is possible to judge on this indicator level of political culture?

5. What type of political culture is expressed in the formula of Chinese philosopher Konfutsija «the Governor the citizen - the citizen, the father - the father, the son - the son» should the governor? What values underlie the given type of political culture?

6. In consciousness of Americans there is a steady representation that their political system created on the basis of the Constitution, is close to perfection and does not need essential changes. So, in 1988 80 % interrogated ameri -

канцев considered excessive to make additional amendments to the Constitution, 8 % had no on this question of concrete opinion, and 12 % suggested to make the amendment forbidding deficiency of the federal budget. However, according to other poll, 55 % of respondents consider that the government operates in interests of industrially-financial groups, and only 39 % believe that it works for the blessing of all. How are combined in the American political culture belief in perfection of the American democracy with a low estimation of activity of its separate institutes? 7. Than such line of German political culture, how high level of political trust of citizens speaks, in your opinion? According to the German political scientist V.Bjurklina, legitimacy of a mode leans against political support of 80.5 % of citizens, legitimacy of the government - 65.2 %, efficiency of a mode - 47.4 %.


Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 461;

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