Belarusian National Culture


Belarusian national culture has a rich history and a long tradition in every aspect of the arts, especially in literature and folk music, ballet and painting. The Belarusians preserve the charm of national handicraft, famous for woodcarving, straw-plaiting, embroidery. They create unique domestic decorative articles and national costumes.

The Belarusians have their own national character, customs and traditions. The Belarusians are trustful and optimistic, hospitable and kind, gifted and dignified, patient and modest. They are hard-working, diligent and undemanding. They respect freedom and independence and value old customs and traditions.

There are a lot of extraordinary and talented personalities, famous not only in our country but far beyond it. Such names as YankaKupala, Yakub Kolas, VasilBykov, Maksim Tank, Mark Shagal, Malevitch are loved and known all over the world.

Theatrical life of our country is rich and diverse. There are about 30 state theatres in Belarus now. The National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, the YankaKupalaBeslarusian State Academic Theatre as well as Theatre of Musical Comedy inMinsk are well known and admired internationally. Different theatre festivals are held in Belarus every year, for example "Slavic Theatrical Meetings" and the International Theatre Festival "WhiteTower" (Belaya Vezha) and "TeatralnyKoufar".

The Belarusian nation is especially proud of its musical culture. Contemporary Belarusian musical art preserves national traditions as well as follows modern tendencies of the world musical movement. The Belarusian bands perform in all popular musical styles: classical and heavy rock, pop-rock, chanson, ethnic music, rap, blues, electronic music and others. Such folk bands as Pesniary, Verasy and Siabry are extremely popular in our country and abroad. Many musical forums are held in Belarus, for example Belarusian Musical Autumn, Minsk Spring, Golden Hit, jazz festivals and many others. Belarus has been an enthusiastic participant in the Eurovision Song Contest since 2004. The international annual festival of arts Slavyansky Bazar in Vitebsk has become the symbol of the festival movement of Belarus. Popular performers from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, with guests from many other countries, theatre workers, film directors, actors, famous public figures take part in the festival.

Some Belarusian holidays reflect the national character of our people. Kupalleis a holiday of nature, connected with the summer solstice. It is celebrated from the 6th to the 7th of July. People believe that flowers, seeds and grass collected at that time are magic. Girls drop wreaths into the river to guess their future, jump across the fire in order to become “clean”, sing songs and danced. The culmination of the holiday is searching for “Paparatjkwetka”, the symbol of happiness.




topreserve –

national handicraft –

woodcarving –

straw-plaiting –

embroidery –

domestic decorative articles –

to be trustful –

to be hospitable –

to be gifted –

to be dignified –

to be patient –

to be modest –

to be diligent –

to be undemanding –

to value customs and traditions –

to be diverse –

to be admired –

to be held –

contemporary –

topreserve –

to follow modern tendencies –

abroad –

to be held –

annual festival –

totake part in –

to reflect –

solstice –

to be celebrated –

to be magic –

wreath –

to search for –


Mass Media


Mass media include print media such as newspapers and magazines and electronic media such as radio and television. Printed information in newspapers and magazines focuses the readers’ attention upon the most burning issues of political, social, economic and cultural life of the society. The press comments on current events, widens our outlook, forms our critical thinking and civil position towards the events in our country and abroad.

Nowadays newspapers and magazines aren’t only informative and instructive, most of them are amusing and entertaining. Much space is devoted to life stories of film stars, VIP persons, showmen, sensations, gossip, and advertisements. It’s natural, because most of the editions are commercial and their aim is to attract large audience possessing different tastes and preferences. It’s a pity, some facts occur to be doubtful, contradictory or even misleading. In search of sensation some reporters don’t follow the moral and ethical standards of their profession, though their duty is to publish only true, verified information and not to violate privacy of citizens as well as their rights.

T.V. is surely one of the most powerful achievements of the mankind. Experiments, leading to the invention of T.V. began in 1800s, but T.V. as we know it today, appeared in 1920. Many scientists contributed to the development of television, but no one can be called an inventor. It’s interesting to know that the name television comes from a Greek word meaning “far” and a Latin word meaning “to see”. So television means “to see far”. Nowadays T.V. is a part of our daily life providing us with information and entertainment of all kinds at the touch of a button.

In other words we are informed, instructed, educated and entertained without leaving home. A great variety of telecasts are at our disposal: news, interviews, concerts, performances, matches, soap operas and of course feature, documentary films, animated cartoons. We can choose whatever we like but it is bad policy to sit glued to the T.V. screen day and night. T.V. may do a lot of harm. T.V. addicts often forget their hobbies. They no longer read books, listen to music, go in for sports. Little by little television like a computer cuts them off from the real world. Moreover T.V. has become a big business and as such is aimed to gain profit winning more and more viewers, trying to shock them by the scenes of murder and violence, nature cataclysms, horrible pictures of sufferings and death. As a result T.V. viewers are becoming more and more accustomed to misfortunes and crimes around them, more indifferent to heart-breaking episodes.

So, T.V. as many other valuable inventions of the humanity has advantages and disadvantages. It’s only for us to decide what T.V. channel to choose and T.V. programme to watch. And of course a reasonable attitude to what we watch and listen to is very important, especially for children.





to focus somebody’s attention on \ upon something -

burning issues -

to comment on -

current event-

to widen somebody’s outlook -

critical thinking -

civil position -

to be informative -

to be instructive -

to instruct -

to be amusing -

to be entertaining -

entertainment -

space -

to be devoted to something -

gossip -

advertisement -

commercial editions -

aim \ to aim -

to possess -

preferences -

to occur -

to be doubtful -

to be contradictory -

to be misleading -

search \ to search -

reporter -

viewer -

moral and ethical standards -

to verify -

to violate privacy \ rights -

citizen -

achievement -

to achieve -

mankind \ humanity -

invention -

inventor -

to invent -

to contribute -

to provide -

at the touch of a button -

telecast -

to be at somebody’s disposal -

interview -

performance -

soap opera -

feature film -

documentary films -

animated cartoons -

to sit glued to the T.V. screen -

to cut somebody off from the real world -

to gain profit -

to win viewers -

the scenes of murder and violence -

to be accustomed to something -

to be indifferent to something -

heart-breaking episode -

to be valuable –

Modern Travel


Nobody can deny that our life is rather tough, full of duties and obligations, work and troubles. No doubt, travelling can help us to cope with difficulties, balance our emotions and gain some strength. Travelling keeps us from growing stale and old, boring and gloomy, develops our imagination and creates an optimistic approach to life.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. Organizing your holiday is an art of its own and types of holidays differ like tastes. Really, sun-worshippers dream of soaking up the sun to get as brown as a berry. They prefer lazing all day on the beach at a seaside resort. Active people would rather spend their leisure time walking, rock climbing, and pony-trekking, sailing or canoeing on a river, a lake or the sea. The culture hunters are eager to enjoy the sights of ancient cities, churches and cathedrals. They enjoy visiting art galleries, concert halls and theatres. But no matter what type of holiday a person chooses, everybody is looking forward to never-to be-forgotten experience.

Speaking frankly travelling is my favorite pastime. I travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and ancient towns. I like to discover new things, different ways of life. I enjoy meeting different people, trying different food and listening to different musical rhythms.

Distance is no obstacle for trips and journeys nowadays. The progress of the 21st century has allowed people to overcome any distance in the twinkle of an eye. The method of reaching your destination may be various: by air, by train, by car, by bicycle, on foot, on horseback. Everything depends on your preferences.

Flying is considered to be the most convenient and the fastest possible way of travelling. But some people think that flying is dangerous and risky, the tickets are rather expensive and flight schedules are not very reliable. Moreover if you suffer from airsickness your air travel will be a complete disappointment.

The traditional railway is still popular. Really, a sleeping compartment, a cozy restaurant, fresh newspapers and magazines, talkative passengers, snapshots of nature are very attractive for a change.

Travelling by car, by bicycle, on horseback is no less amusing. They are adventurous but demand a certain amount of physical energy and good health.

If you are lucky to have a car, your drive will be unforgettable!

A bicycle ride is remarkable. It gives you exercise, good health and a change of scene. In other words, it refreshes your soul, heart and body.

I am always looking forward to a package holiday, when everything is arranged for you: booking tickets, accommodation, meals, entertainments, dancing halls, swimming pools, tennis courts, guides, excursions.

Last summer I was extremely fortunate to make my dream of an ideal holiday a reality. I spent 2 weeks at a youth camp in one of the most picturesque corners of Bulgaria on the seashore. I enjoyed soaking up the sun, swimming every day, breathing salty sea air, collecting shells and pebbles on the beach. I tried local exotic food and learnt some Bulgarian customs and traditions. I danced a lot and had much fun there! Life again seemed marvelous to me, full of sunshine and incredible things to discover.

Tastes differ but one thing is for sure: travelling is an adventure, enjoyment, fun and a change of scene combined.



to deny to be tough to doubt to cope with difficulties to gain strength to grow stale to be boring to be gloomy an optimistic approach to life to soak up the sun to get as brown as a berry to laze leisure time rock climbing pony-trekking sailing canoeing to be eager to do something to look forward to something never-to be-forgotten experience distance obstacle trips journeys to allow to overcome in the twinkle of an eye to be various to be considered to be convenient to be dangerous to be expensive flight schedule to be reliable to suffer from airsickness disappointment a sleeping compartment talkative passengers snapshots of nature for a change to be amusing to be adventurous to demand to be unforgettable to be remarkable to arrange to book tickets accommodation meals entertainment to be fortunate to make a dream a reality on the seashore to collect shells and pebbles to be marvelous incredible things



1. Why do people travel?

2. Why do you like traveling?

3. Do you agree with the statement that balances our emotions andkeeps us from growing stale and old, boring and gloomy?

4. Do you agree with the statement that traveling creates an optimistic approach to life?

5. How do millions of people all over the world spend their holidays?

6. How do you usually spend your holidays?

7. Are you a sun-worshipper, an active person or a culture hunter?

8. What is your idea of an ideal holiday?

9. Do you like lazing all day on the beach at a seaside resort?

10. Do you find it interesting to visit the sights of ancient cities, churches and cathedrals?

11. Have you ever had a never-to be-forgotten holiday?

12. What means of traveling do you prefer? Why?

13. Talk about your summer holiday.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 3546;

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