Quality of the goods

The quality of goods is one of the basic characteristics, which render the decisive influence on the creation of consumer preferences and the formation of competitive ability. By quality of foodstuffs is understood the totality of the properties, the reflectivity of product to provide organoleptic characteristics, demand of organism for the food substances, its safety for the health, reliability during the production and the storage. By the basic properties of food goods, which determine their usefulness and ability to satisfy the need of man for the nourishment, appear food nourishment value, physical and gustatory properties and his storability.

Food nourishment value - these are the complex property, which characterizes full weight of the useful properties of product, i. e. energy, biological, physiological, organoleptic value, comprehensibility, high quality.

The energy value of products is determined by the content in them of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The energy value of food products is expressed in the kilojoules (kJ) or in the kilocalories (kcal) in 100g. It is established that with the oxidation in the organism of the human 1 g of fat to 9, 3 kcal (37, 7 kJ) of energy are allotted; 1 g of proteins - 4, 1 kcal (16, 7 kJ); carbohydrates - 3, 75 kcal (15, 7 kJ). The specific quantity of energy obtains also organism with the oxidation of organic acids and alcohol. Knowing the chemical composition of product, it is possible to calculate its energy value.

For example. In the cheese Dutch it is contained (in %): protein - 23, 5; fat - 30, 9; carbohydrates - 0.2. The energy value of 100 g of cheese will be equal: (23, 5 x 4, 1 kcal) + + (30, 9 X of 9, 3 kcal) + (0.2 X of 3, 75 kcal) = 384, 47 kcal.

But the human organism even with the very favorable conditions uses not all substances, which form part of food, since they have the different degree of comprehensibility.

Biological value is characterized by the presence in products of the biologically active materials: irreplaceable amino acids, the vitamins, macro- and micro cells, the irreplaceable polyunsaturated fatty acids. These components are not synthesized by the fermentation systems of organism and therefore they cannot be substituted with other food substances. They are called irreplaceable and must enter organism with the food (meat, fish, dairy products and others).

Physiological value is determined by the ability of food products to influence the resistibility of his organism to diseases the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular systems of man and. Physiological value possess, for example, tea, coffee, spices, lactic acid and other products.

The qualitative indexes cause the organoleptic value of foodstuffs: appearance, consistency, smell, taste, composition, the degree of freshness. They increase appetite and are better mastered the optimum in appearance foodstuffs: usually the fresh or little stored fruits, dietetic eggs, living fish, bread bakery articles made of the high-quality raw material, since in them it is more than biologically active materials. Taste and aroma of foodstuffs have such great significance, that in certain cases for their reaching use the methods of working (for example, the smoking of fish and sausage articles), which cause even a certain reduction in the comprehensibility of protein substances. The products, which have dim painting, irregular shape, uneven surface and superfluously soft or rough consistency, more badly are mastered; those containing are less than biologically active materials; with the low food nourishment value. Products with the defects of exterior view and consistency frequently contain the substances, harmful for the human organism.

The comprehensibility of foodstuffs is expressed by the coefficient of digestibility, which shows, what part of the product as a whole is used by an organism. Comprehensibility depends on the exterior view, the consistency, the taste of product, quality and quantity of food substances, which are contained in it, and also on age, health of man, conditions of nourishment, custom, tastes and other factors. With the mixed nourishment the comprehensibility of proteins composes 84, 5%, fats - 94, carbohydrates - 95, 6%.

The high quality of foodstuffs is characterized by the organoleptic and, chemical indices (color, taste, smell, consistency, exterior view, chemical composition), by the absence of toxins (poisonous substances), pathogenic microbes (Salmonella, botulinus and others), harmful connection (mercury, lead), the seeds of poisonous plants and impurities (metal, glass). On the high quality food products are subdivided into the classes; the goods, usable to the use according to the designation (they be subject to realization without any limitations); the goods, conditionally suitable for the use according to the designation (nonstandard goods or marriage with the repair defects); the dangerous goods, unfit to the use according to the designation (they do not be subject to realization but they must be annihilate or utilized with the observance of the specific rules).

The goods, suitable to the use according to the designation, can be competitive on the market and ensure confidence in the success of their activity to their producers. In the transition period many enterprises still cannot arrange the release of the competitive product, and the basic reasons for this position are the low level of the technical equipment of enterprises, the insufficient professional training of workers, the financial difficulties, connect with the rigid system of tax assessment, and other.

Physical properties are considered with the estimation of the quality of goods, the determination of periods and conditions for storage.

The physical properties include the form, size, mass, color, transparency, density, viscosity, strength and other Their values depend on the chemical composition of products, their structure, biological special features, conditions of the storage, transportation. The indexes of physical properties have a value during the estimation of the quality of food goods. They are considered with the selection of the form of packing and container, conditions and methods of the transportation of storage.

The gustatory properties of foodstuffs are composed from the sensation of taste and olfactory sensations - smells. Four forms of the taste are distinguished: sweet (sugar), salt (salt), acid (vinegar), bitter (glycosides alkaloids). Smell - sensations, conceive by olfactory organs. Smell is important index with the determination of the quality of faults, drinks, where the aroma is manifested in the form the bouquet of sensations.

Storability - property of goods to preserve consumer qualities during the specific time interval (with the observance of the specified conditions), established by standard or another normative document.

Depending on storability all food goods divide into those being perishable (meat, fish, milk and other); usable for the prolonged storage (flour, grits, sugar, jar canned foods and other).


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 1043;

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