Dash coding of goods


Dashcode (DC) - the sign, destined to automated identification and account for the information about the goods, coded in the form of numbers and strokes.

The need for introduction (DC) arose in connection with the development of information technology, the broad introduction OF COMPUTER(S) into the sphere of production and trade. The possibility due to the automation of the calculation of entering, dispatch and sale of goods to accelerate commodity movement and to simplify the documentary formulation of goods in its different stages as a result appeared. Manual filling of documents, searches for necessary goods on the storage require the high expenditures of time and labor, moreover with the fulfillment of these operations errors are possible.

The dash codes are divided into two forms: European - EAN and American - UPC. An external difference in the code UPC from the code EAN lies in the fact that Hollerith-coded OF UPC the first and last figure only is less than rest, furthermore, the latter stands after “the zebra”, as on the flying away.

In the system EAN can be used the code, which consists of the primes and 13 or 8 numbers. EAN-8 is used for marking of packing and (or) of goods of small size; EAN-13 is brought to any pickings and (or) goods, if area is allowed. EAN-14 adapts only for the transport packing.

The dash code is reliable because of four versions of the width of primes and interval between them. Each number is formed of two primes and two intervals (gaps), which in turn form four bounding surfaces. Less than a hundred thousand times of readout is possible only one error.

The authenticity of goods can be determined after the calculation of the control figure of the dash code. Calculation is produced as follows:

1. To discard the numbers of the dash code, which stand at even places (7290000494616): 2 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 4+1 = 11.

2. Obtained sum to multiply by 3: 11 х 3 - 33.

3. To discard the numbers, which stand at the odd places, without the control figure: 7 + 9 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 6 = 31.

4. To discard the numbers, calculated in points 2 and 3: 33 + 31 = 64.

5. From the obtained sum to discard ten: it is obtained by 4.

6. Of 10 to abstract the number, obtained in point 5: 10-4 = 6.

If the obtained after calculation (in point 6) number does not coincide with the control figure in the dash code, this means that goods is produced illegally and its quality is not guaranteed. Since January 1993 the dash code must be brought to all goods, which enter Europe. The price of the goods, released for the market without the dash code, is reduced to 3-15% of its cost. Users in Russia regarding the information about the bar code can turn in ЮНИСКАН - the organization, which is carried out questions of the automatic coding of production. The right to place the dash code on the goods has only those enterprises, which are registered in ЮНИСКАН.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 308;

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