Marking of consumer goods

Forms of the marking

In the qualitative, timely and complete information about the goods all require: producer, commercial structures, buyer. They serve as the means of commodity information: marking, technical documents, reference, training and scientific literature, advertisement and propaganda.

Marking - text, arbitrary symbols or figure, substituted to the packing and (or) goods. Depending on the place of putting the marking is distinguished production and commercial. The carriers of production marking can be labels, inserts, koleretki, labels, tallies, control tapes and other. As the carriers of commercial marking serve price lists, commodity and cashbox checks.


Order and rules of marking

Order and the rule of marking the separate forms of goods are reflected in the normative documents. General for all goods is the fact that in the marking they must be reflected:

• the designation of product;

• designation and the location of producer;

• the trade mark of producer (in the presence);

• the mass of net, either volume or a quantity of product;

• the composition of product;

• food nourishment value;

• designation and application condition for the products of children's nourishment, products of dietetic nourishment and biologically active additives;

• recommendation regarding the preparation of finished dishes for concentrates and semi finished products of foodstuffs;

• the condition of storing the foodstuffs;

• the period of fitness;

• period of storage;

• the period of the realization of foodstuff;

• the date of production and the date of packing;

• the designation of the document, in accordance with which is prepared and can be identified the product;

• information about the confirmation of the correspondence of foodstuffs.

Information locates directly per unit market container in the convenient for the reading place, it can be substituted by any method; it must be clear and easily read.

Besides general requirements for the content of information for the user, normative document (ALL-UNION STATE STAN. R 51074-2003) contains the enumeration of information on the groups of foodstuffs.


Trade mark

During marking of goods to the articles and the packing additionally are brought special designations. Trade mark and signs of tracking are, as a rule, such designations.

Trade mark - officially designed graphic representation, original name, the special combination of numbers, letters or words, which is brought to the goods by enterprise (firm) and is guarded by law.

Trade marks play important role in the competitive activity, since many buyers acquire goods of the enterprises, being oriented toward the commodity (firm) signs. There are three basic types of the designation of these signs:

• firm name - word, letter, the word group or letters, which can be ronounced;

• firm character-symbol, figure, distinctive color or designation;

• commercial sign - firm name, firm sign, commodity means or their Combination, officially registered in the international list and protected legally, what the sign R, placed next to the trade mark, indicates. If trade mark is the property of firm, thus it can have a sign s.

According to the degree of significance and prestige it is possible to isolate the commodity (firm) signs: usual and prestigious.

Usual firm signs are developed by owner or special designers with the registration or without.

Prestigious signs are appropriated to firms, enterprises for their special services to the state. In a number of the foreign countries prestigious signs (emblems) are sentenced as rewards and firm- laureate obtains the right during the specific time to place this sign on the business documents, the materials goods.

In Russia until recently there were no prestigious signs. But in 1997 at the state level was developed the position about the program “one hundred best goods of Russia” later was declared the competition of the reward of the government of the Russian Federation; acts program “Russian stamp”. On the basis these programs was declared. Every year competition among the domestic producers with the awarding to the conquerors of the sign of different degree (fig. 2).

Since 1999 in our country is conducted the competition “Russian stamp” with awarding to prize-winners of the prestigious signs:

• gold sign “Russian stamp”;

• silver sign “Russian stamp”;

• bronze sign “Russian stamp”.

Russia already has officially patented trade mark “III millennium”, which reveals to the laureates of exhibition- competitions on the basis of agreement. The logical completion of action will become the creation of the network of stores “goods of the third millennium” - with the goods, marking “the quality mark XXI of century”.



Fig. 2. Signs of the laureates of the competitions:

1- sign of the laureate of the reward of the government of the Russian Federation in the region of quality; is 2nd the sign of the laureate of competition “one hundred best goods of Russia”; 3- the sign of the laureate of competition “Russian stamp”; 4- quality mark XXI of century

Competitions in the region of the quality of production, quality of the activity of organizations receive wide acceptance, since participation and, especially, victory in the competition they increase the image of participants, they contribute to their commercial success.

The primary task of the programs of competitions (at the different levels) - to contribute to domestic commodity producers in the advance of qualitative goods, services, technology for the Russian and foreign markets.

Enterprises, rewarded with the honorable sign of one or other degree or another (gold, silver, bronze), have the right for one-and-a-half years to free of charge place it on their production. After this period the firm (enterprise) either confirms sign or it is deprived of prestigious reward.

The signs of tracking (preventive) are intended for providing of safety of user, which surrounds media and information about the dangerous properties of substances, materials or actions on warning of danger.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 697;

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