Requirements to quality of pasta

Quality of pasta durability’s estimate on color, taste, a smell, acidities, to a condition at cooking, humidity, the maintenance of the deformed products, presence of a crumb, a breakage, etc. Color of products monophonic with a cream or yellowish shade, without traces непромеса, a surface smooth or rough, a break of a product стекловидный, the form correct, taste and a smell peculiar to pasta, without smack of bitterness, mustiness and a smell of a mould. At cooking up to readiness of a product increase in volume in 2 times and more, but their form should be kept, are not supposed комья and pasting of products. Humidity of pasta 11 - 13 %; acidity - no more than 4, and products with additives tomato of products - no more than 10; safety of the form of the welded products - not less than 100 % (for group) and not less than 95 % (for groups and). Presence of the crumb, the deformed products and with deviations from average length (under condition of their uniformity) is limited to the standard.

Traces непромеса, a significant roughness, the wrong form, sour, musty smack and a smell, the raised humidity, and acidity, and also contamination are not supposed by wreckers in products.

Store pasta in dry, pure premises at temperature not above 30°С (without differences of temperatures) and relative humidity of air of 60-70 %. Duration of storage: without additives - 24 months, dairy products - 5 months; egg and tomato - 12 months; with a wheaten germ - 3 months


Control questions

1. What kinds of raw material use for manufacture of pasta?

2. How classify pasta?

3. What requirements are shown to quality of pasta?

4. What is necessary in a basis of division of pasta on groups and grades?

5. Conditions and periods of storage of pasta.


Macaroni articles


  1. Raw material utilized in macaroni production

The production of macaroni articles arose at the beginning XVIII v. in Italy and in the south of France; in Russia it appear with Peter 1. The first factory was built in 1797 in Odessa. Articles were prepared by hand; the first presses and dough rolls appeared in Russia in the 20's. XIX v., and hydraulic presses began to use still later. The development of macaroni industry in our country began in 1923.

Macaroni articles remain well, of them it is possible to rapidly prepare many dishes and garnishes, and they have high food nourishment value. Into their composition enter proteins (10, 4-14, 3%), carbohydrates (66-71, 5%), the fats (1, 1 - 2, 9%), cellulose tissue, mineral substances. The energy value of 100 g is equal to 336-349 kcal.

In order to prepare the macaroni articles made of the wheaten flour, mix dough, from which are formed the articles, they dry, cool, sort and they pack. During the preparation of test the enriches are used: egg, mélange, the concentrated tomato products tomato- paste, tomato- puree, dairy products, the egg powder and milk powder, vitaminsand also gustatory additives.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 311;

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