Requirements for the quality of the articles

The general qualitative indexes for all types of bagel articles are exterior view (form, surface, and color), internal state, smell and taste, humidity and acidity. The form of articles must be round and only in vanilla, lemon round cracknel and dryings - oval. The surface of articles must be glossy, smooth, without the swelling and the splits, and in the corresponding types - evenly sanded by poppy, by caraway or will pour off. They are allowed insignificant roughness and the presence of small cracks by length is not more than 1/3 surfaces of article. Painting from the light yellow to the dark brown. The internal state of bagel articles is characterized by looseness and baked of the test, in which there must not be the signs of nepromesa and foreign inclusions. Smell - pleasant, that corresponds to this type of article, without the impurities. Taste - normal, characteristic of article with the aftertaste of aromatic and gustatory additives. Round cracknels must be brittle or fragile, and drying - brittle. The humidity of bagel articles is different. Thus, the humidity of cracknels - 22-27%, round cracknels - 14-18, dryings - to 8-12%. The swelling of round cracknels and dryings - this is an increase of their mass with endurance in the water with the temperature 60 С during 5 min. In this case the mass of round cracknels must increase not less than 2, 5 times, but dryings - 3 times. The insufficiently swell articles are badly mastered by organism.

Are not allowed to inspection and realization of the articles, which have irregular shape, burned, pale or contaminated surface, unusual taste and smell, crunch from the mineral admixtures, tracks of nepromesa.

Bagel articles are let out weight and packed; they pack (by scattering or threaded on the string) into the paper bags with a mass of up to 15 kg or the boxes - to 10 kg.

To store bagel articles necessarily in the clean, well ventilation accommodations, not infected by the wreckers of bread reserves, at a temperature not higher than 25°С and relative humidity of air 65-75%.

Periods of realization for the bagel articles from the day of the production: cracknels - 16 hours, round cracknels - 25 days, dryings - 45 days. For the articles, packed into the polyethylene or cellophane packets, 15 days.


Control questions

1. What does relate to the bagel articles?

2. Describe the technology of the preparation of bagel articles.

3. What are imposed requirements on bagel articles?


Cracker products


  1. Assortment of products

The crackers are essentially bread canned goods. Unlike other bread products crackers have low moisture (from 8 before 12%) in consequence of which long time is be preserved without change quality.

Depending on recipe and particularities of the fabrication distinguish the crackers rich, army, toast and breadcrumbs. To crackers products take also crunch penny-buster.

The rich crackers. Manufacture them from wheat flour high, 1 and 2-go sort with addition of sugar, fats and eggs.

The dough for rich crackers prepares, either as for bakery products, on brew, but more steep. After fermentation from dough fashion so named slabs, which on profile of the cross-section correspond to the profile of the ready crackers given type. The slabs after proving bake bear for hardening during 12-24 hours (freshly bake slabs is waver when cutting), cut the slices, and then drying at the temperature beside 200ºC. During drying crackers gain the brown tincture and pleasing aroma.

In sale enter the rich crackers, differing sort of flour, recipe, the form, size, decorating to surfaces.

From flour of the highest sort prepare the crackers Baby, Amateur, Vanilla, Jubilee, Lemon, Nuts, Milk, School, Cream, Mustard and others.

From flour 1 sort manufacture the crackers Pioneer, Coffee, Moscow, Jubilee, Road and others. Pone (sugar, fat, egg) they contain less. From flour 2 sort make the crackers Town.

The crackers army presents itself drying slices simple of rye, rye-wheat or wheat bread. Their use basically for providing expedition and armies.

The crackers-toasts. This drying slices of wheat bread and bakery products. The toast has a taste, characteristic to crackers. The toast name also roasted slices of bread, usually wheat, given to soup and broth.

The Breadcrumbs prepare from 1 and 2 sort of flour. They present itself atomized crackers, intended for cave before roasting cutlet, meat, fish, as well as for strew of the forms and griddles under baking of rolls, pudding and other products.

To crackers briquettes pertain new type of crackers products, manufactured out by pressing cracker crumbs mixed with molasses. The briquettes must have a thickness 1,65-1,9 s-m, mass not more than 100g.

Bread batons - a special type of bread-bakery products. Baked them from flour of the highest sort with addition sugar, fat and yeast. The dough in the beginning roll out on layer, pack him(it) double, then layer newly roll out in fine tape, which cut on narrow strips by length 25-30 s-m. Packing in overwrap or polyethylene packages by mass 250 and 300g.

Straw - a product in the manner of fine long stick with small contents moisture. Manufacture them from wheat flour of high and first sort. Straw can be sweet and salty. The form - a round direct sticks, color - golden-yellow, surface - polish, can be mildly rough. Straw must easy break apart. The length of stick - 10-58 s-m, thickness - 0, 8 s-m.

Crunch penny-buster bake from flour of rye or wheat of 1sort, as well as from mixture these type flour. The penny-buster represents by itself brittle porous slices of the square-wave form (6 x 22 s-m) with dimples on surfaces. Depending on recipe (flour, sugar, fat) penny-busters let out: rye wallpaper, rye peeled, rye peeled with salt. Rye-wheat crunch penny-buster prepare with addition in dough sugar and fat. The assortment: Dessert, Table, Amateur and others. Due to low moisture (6-8%) they well and are long be preserved. The crunch penny-buster change bread in any condition.


  1. Requirements to quality of products

The quality of the rich crackers define on outward appearance, smack, taste, frailty, amount of the pry, as well as on moisture, acidity, contents of sugar, fat, swelling ability. The form must correspond to the type of the crackers. She can be the semi oval, semi cylindrical, square-wave or square. The surface must be without through split and emptiness, with developed porosity. The color of the crackers from biscuit before brown, not too pale and not burned. The smack and taste must be characteristic given type of the crackers, without stranger of the scent and sign bitterness. The amount of the pry must not exceed 5% in sold by weighed out weight crackers and form not more one cracker on unit of the packaging - in packed. The contents of top crusts and pry are also normalized. Moisture of the crackers 8-12%; acidity 3,5-4 ; swelling ability of crackers in water with the temperature 60º С must be full during 1-2 mines.

Not allowed to realization of the product with crunch of the mineral admixtures, with stranger’s inclusion, evidence of mold, not peculiar taste and smack.

Pack the crackers rich in boxes by capacity before 20 kg, take out by paper, simple crackers - in multilayer paper bags.

The kept crackers products in dry, clean, well aerated premises, not infected pests, apart from goods with sharp specific smack at the temperature 20-22º С and relative moisture of the air 65-75%.

The shelf time of the crackers rich, crated, boxes, - before 60 days, in polyethylene packages - before 30 days, simple crackers - before two years since day of the production.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 372;

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