Certification as the confirmation of the correspondence

Certification in Russia began to be carried out in 1993. in accordance with the laws of RF “About the protection of the rights of users” and “About the certification of production and services”. The certified goods use great demand on the market (especially international), than not certified, which makes possible for producers to survive in the competitive activity.

The objects of certification include not only the production, but also services, systems of quality, personnel, work sites and other. Since the certification is one of the forms of activity in the estimation of correspondence, some terms and definitions are examined below.

Estimation of correspondence - direct or oblique determination of the observance of the requirements, presented to the object.

Confirmation of correspondence - documentary certification of the correspondence to production or other objects, processes of production, exploitation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization, fulfilling of works either rendering of services to the requirements of technical regulations, to the positions of standards or to agreement conditions.

The confirmation of correspondence can bear voluntary (in the form voluntary certification) or obligatory (in the forms of the adoption of declaration about the correspondence and the required certification) nature.

Bidder - physical or legal person, that accomplishes required confirmation of correspondence.

Certification - form of realization by organ for the certification of the confirmation of the correspondence of objects of the requirements of technical regulations, the positions of standards or the conditions of agreements.

Certificate of correspondence - document, verificatory correspondence of object to the requirements of technological regulations, to the positions of standards and to agreement conditions.

Sign of correspondence - designation, which is used for the information of acquirers about correspondence of the object of certification to the requirements of the system of voluntary certification or to national standard.

System of certification - totality of the rules of the fulfillment of works on the certification, its participants and the rules, the functioning of the system of certification as a whole. As participants in the certification can appear the producers of production, the executors of services, customer- salesmen, and also organs for certification, test laboratories (centers).

Certification as the procedure of the confirmation of correspondence is directed toward achieving of the following goals:

• the certification of the correspondence to production, of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization of works, services or other objects to technical regulations, to standards, to agreement conditions;

• assistance to users in the competent selection of production, works, services;

• an increase in the competitive ability of production, works, services on the Kazakhstan and international markets;

• the creation of conditions for securing the free moving of goods over the territory of the Kazakhstan, and also for the realization of international economic, scientific and technical collaboration and international trade.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 269;

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