Purposes of standardization
The critical goals of standardization are:
- raising safety level of life or of health of citizens, property of physical or legal persons, state or municipal property, ecological safety, safety of life or health of animals and plants and assistance to the observance of the requirements of technical regulations;
- raising safety level of objects taking into account the risk of the appearance of the extraordinary situations of natural and technogenic nature;
- the guarantee of scientific and technical progress;
- an increase in the competitive ability of production, works, services;
- the economical utilization of resources;
- technical and information compatibility;
- the comparability of the results of studies (tests) and of measurements, technical and economical - statistical data;
- the transposability of production.
The basic tasks of standardization are:
- the guarantee of mutual understanding between the developers, the producers, the salesmen and the users (customers);
- the establishment of optimum requirements for nomenclature and quality of production in the interests of user and state, including ensuring its safety for the environment, life, health and property;
- the establishment of requirements on the compatibility, and also the interchangeability of production;
- agreement and the coordination of indices and characteristics of production, its elements, component product, raw material and materials;
- unification on the basis of establishment and application of parametric and standard-size numbers, base constructions, structural- standardized modular component parts of the articles;
- the establishment of metrological standards, rules, positions and requirements;
- the technical-normative guarantee of control (tests, analysis, measurements), of certification and estimation of the quality of production;
- the establishment of requirements for the technological processes, including for purposes of reduction in the material consumption, energy content and labor expense, guarantee of application of low-waste technologies;
- creation and conducting the systems of classification and coding of technical and economic information;
- the normative guarantee of intergovernmental and state social and economic and scientific and technical programs (projects) and infrastructural complexes (transport, connection, defense, protection of the surrounding media, monitoring surroundings environment, safety of population and i.t.);
- the creation of cataloging system for guaranteeing the users with information about the nomenclature and the basic indices of production;
- assistance to the realization of the legislation of the Russian Federation by methods and by the means of standardization.
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 274;