Losses of food goods

With the storage, the transportation and the realization appear the quantitative losses of goods, which are subdivided into those normalized and protocol led. To the normalized losses carry the natural loss of mass and the before realization withdrawals, which are formed with the preparation of goods for sale (cleaning of sausage, fish, of butter; the formation of crumb with sale refined sugar, confectionery articles and other). Here carry the losses, which are formed over the standards of the natural loss of goods in the food stores of self-service. Natural loss - this of the loss of the mass of goods, that appears for the natural reasons. Its basic reasons are shrinkage (scattering), leakage and other The size of the natural loss of products influence the physical chemistry properties of goods, periods and conditions for storage, the form of packing, climatic conditions and the seasons. For reduction in the losses it is necessary to exercise thorough control over the quality of the goods entering, to observe the proper regime of storage, to enlarge sale of the package goods.

The actual sizes of natural loss are determined after the removal of remainders (inventory). They compare the revealed deficiency in the goods with the affirmed standards of natural loss. To natural loss do not relate the withdrawals from the cleaning of the upper layer of butter; the withdrawals, which are formed with the preparation for sale of sausages (string, the ends of the shells), beaten of poultry (paper), and also of meat bloated and the fish goods, sold after working-out (the skin of hams, the bone), and other These losses are normalized separately. The losses of goods - scrap, battle, which arose as a result of a careless attitude, also do not relate to the natural they diminished and they are copied due to the guilty persons. The writing off of lack can be produced only after the inventory of goods. The order of the writing off of lack, embezzlements and losses from the spoiling of values is regulated by legislation and constitutive documents of enterprise.

Bases of the standardization of goods


Standardization - activity in the establishment of rules and characteristics for purposes of their voluntary repeated use, directed toward the achievement of ordering in the spheres of production and rotation of production and an increase in the competitive ability of production, works or services.

The result of the activity of standardization is the normative document, whose application is the method of ordering in the specific region.

Normative document - document, which establishes rules, general principles or characteristics, which are concerned different forms of activity or their results. This term covers such concepts as standards and other normative documents on the standardization - rule, the recommendation, the codes of established practice, the all-Russian classifiers.

Standard - document, in which for purposes of voluntary repeated use are established the characteristics of production, rule of realization and characteristic of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization, fulfilling of works or rendering of services. Standard also can contain requirements for the terminology, the symbolism, the packing, the marking or the labels and the rules of their putting.

In the translation from the English the word “standard” indicates model, standard, basis. Standards are based on the generalized results of science, technology, practical experience and must be the reliable guarantee of the quality of the goods, which enter the internal and outside markets.

Depending on sphere of influence the standards of different status or category are distinguished: international standard, regional standard, national standard (previous name - state standard of the Russian Federation (ALL-UNION STATE STAN. R)), intergovernmental standard (ALL-UNION STATE STAN.), the standard of organization.

Standardization must be examined in three aspects: as practical activity as the part of control system and as science. Standardization as practical activity consists in the development, the introduction and the application of normative documents and the supervision of the fulfillment of requirements, rules and regulations, presented in them. Standardization as the component part of control leans on the complex of the basic documents in the region of technical policy and management of the quality of production. Standardization as science educe, generalizes and analyzes the regularities, which influence one or the other quality changes of goods, it develops and it bases standards and requirements for the objects of standardization.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 411;

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