The Kognitivist theory of political socialisation

The revealed features of process of political socialisation of the French schoolboys show that it represents power and person interaction. Last it is not passive, and actively and selectively perceives values declared by system. Activity of the person is caused not only its interests, but also genesis of its thinking. Laws of formation of thinking have been formulated by the Swiss psychologist Z.Piazhe in the theory когнитивного developments. It has allocated four stages of genesis of thinking.

At the first stage - sensory-motor (from a birth till 2 years) - at the child ability to perceive world around in an image of subjects is formed. Transition to the second stage - preoperational (from 2 till 7 years) - is connected by that actions of the child are reflected in the form of thought. At this stage the thinking from positions own "I" prevails. The third stage - a stage of concrete operations (from 7 till 11 years) - is characterised by that the thinking of the child is released from direct perceptions. And, at last, at the age from 12 till 15 years the thinking of the child passes in стадиюформальных operations when the teenager is capable to deductive conclusions, judgement of moral problems, reflexion about the future.

Being based on Z.Piazhe's ideas, the American psychologist Dzh. Адельсон has revealed tendencies of development of political thinking as a result of the analysis of its dynamics at youth of England, the USA and Germany at the age from 11 till 18 years. In process of intellectual growth of the person by the most important change in its political thinking there is a strengthening абстрактности and expansion of time prospect. Years of adolescence are noted by fast growth of political knowledge, including mastering of traditional political views, installations. In the middle of the boyish period at the individual the independent system of etiko-political principles is formed. Influence of these principles on political judgements which appear more strongly momentary interest with the years becomes stronger.

Political practice and results of empirical researches show: political socialisation is not limited to the positions generated by primary socialisation (that is got in the childhood), and proceeds during all human life. At a certain stage of intellectual development habitual political standards and norms start to be perceived in a new fashion. For this reason secondary socialisation (socialisation in adolescence) plays a considerable role though the positions generated by it also do not remain invariable. Even socialisation at mature age when the individual is capable to carry out independently political roles and functions, does not mean definitive сформированности its political predilections though to change them there is all more difficultly. Mobility of political orientations and variety of agents of political socialisation are caused by complexity and discrepancy of the most political life where momentary and perspective interests, public and personal needs are indissolubly interconnected and fancifully bound.


Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 416;

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