Political psychology
I. Inclusion of the person in the policy world assumes mastering and maintenance of its norms by it, images and standards of behaviour, traditions. Process of mastering by the person of requirements of status behaviour, cultural values and reference points which conducts to formation at him properties and the abilities, allowing to adapt in concrete political system and to carry out in it certain roles and functions, is called as political socialisation. The term “political socialisation” has been entered into a political science in 1959 by the American political scientist G.Hajmenand further was widely adopted.
One of the first approaches to an explanation of process of socialisation of the person was the principle of imitation developed by Gabriel Tardom (1843-1904). The multipurpose approach to socialisation problems was shown by T.Parsons in the work “Social systems”. The classical theory of political socialisation developed by the Chicago scientists under the direction of David Istona, treated it as process of training of the person to special roles which to it are necessary for carrying out in policy sphere. The majority of American scientists supporting these theory (Lawrence Cohen(a sort. 1923), Tolkott Parsons) focused attention to interaction of the person with political system and its institutes, considering it as process of role training of the person; K.Luman and A.Gelen interpret political socialisation as acculturation, that is development by the person of values new to. The scientists working in the tideway of psychoanalysis (Erih Fromm[1900-1980]) give the main attention to research of unconscious motives of political activity, understanding political socialisation as the latent process of politicisation of human feelings and representations. But all of them agree that absence of the properties got by the person in the course of socialisation, not only complicates, but quite often and deprives of its possibility to adapt in political sphere of a society and to use its mechanisms for protection of the interests.
In the politological literature are fixed narrow and wideunderstanding of political socialisation. In the first case this conscious and purposeful development of political values, belief, skills, etc. In the second is all system of political training - formal and informal, purposeful and unforeseen, - at all stages of life cycle of the person. Such system includes not only especially political, but also not political training which affects political behaviour and political installations of people. Value of political socialisation is defined by that it appears as an essential component of the general socialisation of the individual and a primary factor defining political behaviour of the person.
II. Processof development by the person of political values is continuous and can be limited only by duration of his life. It is two-uniform process: first, development by any person of requirements of the political environment are shown, secondly, by selectivity of such development, fixing them in those or other forms of political behaviour and influence on the power. The constant companions of the person appreciably predetermining its possibilities on mastering and an effective embodiment of political standards, agents of socialisation are. The family, an education system, public and political institutes, church, the mass-media, separate political events concern them (revolutions, reprisals, hunger etc.). All of them compete with each other in aspiration to influence the person in this connection there is a situation состязательных socialisation streams.
As the main competing agents of socialisation the state and a society differently influencing character of socialisation appear. The state is guided first of all by distribution among citizens of samples of conformist behaviour while the society is interested in education of the critical relation of citizens to the state, it интенциям and to possibilities to subordinate to itself of people. Competitive character of mastering of various values and standards of political life predetermines formation of
- The harmonious type prevails in the Anglo-Saxon countries and reflects normal c the points of view of psychology interaction of the person and power institutes, the rational and valid relation of the individual to the law and order, the state, comprehension of the civil duties by it. Dialogue of the individual and the power occurs in the conditions of mature democratic traditions when both the power, and the individual are attached to the standard ideals, norms and values;
- гегемонистский the type is presented by the person negatively concerning all social and political norms, except what dominate in "the" group. Such model of socialisation assumes inclusion in a policy of new generations exclusively on the basis of values of any class, religion, political ideology;
- The pluralistic type prevails in the Western Europe, it conducts to formation of the person which recognises competency of others to be guided by ideas preferable to them and freedom, to keep ability to change the political predilections and to master new valuable reference points.
- The disputed type is peculiar first of all to underdeveloped countries where poverty of the majority of the population, variety of clan, breeding, patrimonial values complicate consent achievement between the power and carriers of different values, assumes formation of the person seeing the purpose of the political participation in loyalty to the group and support of its struggle against political opponents.
III. For theperson two stages of its political socialisation are characteristic: primary and secondary. Primary political socialisation begins from 3-5 years and forms at the person the is selective-individual relation to the phenomena of political life. D.Iston and I.Denis distinguish four aspects of primary political socialisation:
- Direct perception the child of political life. It scoops the information on it in estimations of parents, in their political reactions and feelings;
- Policy "personification" in which course the cognizance of those or others belonging to sphere of the power of figures becomes for it синомимом contacts to political system;
- "Idealisation" of these political images, that is formation on their basis of steady emotional relations to a policy;
- “институционализация” the properties found in the course of socialisation, testifying to complication of a political picture of the world of the child and its transition to independent vision of a policy.
As a whole feature of a primary stage of political socialisation consists that the person should adapt for political system, yet without understanding their essence and value. Therefore it is the extremely important, that at the given stage any political information was inseparably linked with authority of seniors, parents and-or teachers and at all did not contain rigidly идеологизированных images and concepts.
Secondary political socialisation characterises such stage of activity of the person when it, having mastered receptions of processing of the information and realisation of those or other roles, is capable to resist to group pressure and in an individual order to reconsider ideological positions. The leading role is played here by the return socialisation reflecting influence of the person on selection and mastering of knowledge, norms, receptions of interaction with the power. As a whole it is necessary to recognise that the person is not capable to generate independently all conditions of the political participation and consequently as has noticed Fridrih a background Hayek (1899-1988), it adapts even to those changes and the aspects of life which sense does not understand.
The mechanism of political socialisation functions at three levels. The first of them - social. Politicisation of people is carried out under the pressure of problems which all society faces. The second level - socially-psychological. The person is politically socialised not only as a part of the big groups (a family, a class, student's group, labour collective), but also as a result of interpersonal dialogue thanks to which in many respects and there is its political self-identification. The third level - intrapersonal on which political socialisation corresponds with individual interests of the person, its requirements, motives, installations and the valuable orientations playing defining role in formation of political consciousness of the person.
IV. Features of political socialisation in modern Russia are caused by change of political and economic systems of a society that has created serious problems of program of political experience, preservation of continuity of political institutes, norms and values. At set of occurring ideologies in the country there was special type of an ideological vacuum. The impoverishment of a considerable part of the population, legality and law and order easing, criminality growth, an arbitrariness and corruption of officials substantially undermine trust of citizens to existing political institutes and leaders. The familyas social institute also has hard times. Among representatives of an average and the senior of generations former tsennostno-political orientations, stereotypes of political thinking and behaviour prevail that inevitably conflicts to many aspirations and installations of rising generation which faster, adapts for new sociopolitical conditions better and more full.
At the same time problem there are the socialisation much of agents, the leading parts playing these process. It is a question of the school which influence in many cases not only differs from house education, but also will neutralise, weakens it. The socialising role of army for young men of military age has decreased, many of which use the best efforts not to get on military service. Multinational character of the Russian Federation puts a thorny question about necessity education tolerant and солидаристского international dialogue in the country. The question on participation of mass-media, churches,schools, establishments of higher education, state structures and the organisations in ресоциализации Russians is actual also. This process “assumes not simply development of new social niches, and переучивание to that has been strongly acquired in the childhood and a youth and that made the base of the given person” (E.Shestopal).
V. Political socialisation is one of the major factors of definition of political behaviour - essential making life of each person. The political behaviour is any form of actions of the person, beginning from active participation in the politician and finishing unwillingness about it neither to think, nor to speak. In the political behaviour the person can realise, at least, three possibilities: first, political behaviour it expresses and protects the interests; secondly, he can protest against this or that political system which does not suit it; thirdly, its political behaviour can be directed on protection of an existing system, the party. He differently participates in the politician. There are following forms of this participation:
Reaction to the events occurring in political life which is based on an estimation by the person of political situations that is the elementary form of political behaviour;
Participation in elections in representative bodies of the power demands from the person of display of conscious political activity;
Participation in referenda andплебисцитах is connected with direct acceptance of political decisions when the person also is compelled to show the belief and a political position;
Participation in meetings, demonstrations, propaganda actions, pickets, boycotts, campaigns of civil disobedience as forms of direct action of the person on protection of the interests or in favour of the certain political decision;
Membership in parties and movements is a form of the political behaviour, allowing such person to consider “as the politician in combination” (M.Veber);
Professional political activity is an activity in state structures, in supervising party structures. In that case it is possible to speak not about political behaviour, and about a certain way of life where the policy takes the main place.
Question of principle of the characteristic of political behaviour, according to the majority of political scientists and lawyers, the problem of an admissibility of political violence is. Max Veber considered the state as “the relation of domination of people over the people, leaning against legitimate violence as means. So that it (state) existed, the people who are under domination, should submit to authority for which those who dominates now” apply. As the subject of political violence the nations, classes, social strata and the groups possessing certain political force can act.
All people to express the interests by means of political behaviour, should have at least the most general representations about the political world and mechanisms of its functioning. It is necessary for one reason: the policy world in this or that form mentions each citizen and a society as a whole. In 430 year B.C. Ancient Greek statesman Perikl (490-429 BC)noticed that “to judge it (politician) should be able all”.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 377;