Political system of Russia

Political system of the Soviet type

After October revolution of 1917 in Russia the political system of the Soviet type characterised by a number of distinctive signs has been established. First, it was closed from the point of view of character of mutual relations with environment and functioned on the basis of a class principle: it was declared that the political system reflects interests of workers, first of all, proletariat. Everything that did not correspond to interests of working class, admitted hostile.

Secondly, methods of revolutionary violence in realisation of imperious functions that has been caused by adverse external and internal conditions of formation of political system (intervention of the western countries against Russia, civil war), low level of the general and political culture of workers prevailed, etc. It was expressed in existence of the branched out retaliatory system.

Thirdly, the political system of the Soviet type was based on principles of combination and concentration of political roles and functions in hands of ruling communist party, aversion of political pluralism and an interdiction of activity of opposition.

It was supposed that political means probably to create economic, cultural and other preconditions for socialism construction.

Fourthly, a link of political system of the Soviet type, its bearing design was exclusively dominating party which united state structures, social movements and subordinated to their decision of specific targets. Special value of party and its exclusive ideology was caused by absence of other integration tools of a society (such, for example, as economic interest), except politiko-ideological and compulsory.

Fifthly, at the heart of the mechanism of formation and power functioning in political system of the Soviet type the nomenclature principle lay. The nomenclature was the closed system, to get in which it was not simple, but it is very prestigious. It possessed the absolute economic, political and ideological power. Becoming a new class of a society, she has subordinated to herself all parties, and with them - and all society. The political system of this kind is capable to function in the presence of force majeure (danger of external intervention, existence of internal enemies etc.), the big abundance of power, financial and other resources, and also the branched out system of brain washing of the population.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 282;

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