The communicative theory of political system of K.Dojch

Transition of the developed countries to the information technology, led to mass introduction of computer technics in various spheres of ability to live of a society, promoted use in the analysis of social systems of mechanistic models. The cybernetics marked similarity between behaviour of the person and "behaviour" of the car. Similarity of their models poveдения it is caused by that самоорганизующиеся systems possess ability independently to react to the information, changing the behaviour or an arrangement. If changes are effective also system achieves the object, a part of its energy, or internal pressure, usually decreases. Efficiency of action of system depends on two variables: information transfer and feeders of the commands directing and supervising actions.

To the first the American political scientist K.Dojch (1912) has assimilated political system to the cybernetic car. It considered political system in a context of "the communication approach» at which the policy was understood as managerial process and coordination of efforts of people on achievement of objects in view. The formulation of the purposes and their correction are carried out by political system on the basis of the information on position of a society and its relation to the given purposes; about distance which remains to the purpose; about results of the previous actions.

Hence, functioning of political system depends on quality of a constant stream of the information arriving from environment, and the information on its own movement. On the basis of two streams of the information the political decisions assuming the subsequent actions on a way to the required purpose are made. Therefore K.Dojch's management assimilated to process of piloting ("driving"): course definition (for example, the ship) on the basis of the information on its movement in the past and a site now in relation to the planned purpose.

Political system as the mechanism of the organisation and power functioning in a society

The mechanism of functioning of political system

The exchange of resources and interaction of political system with Wednesday are carried out by a principle «an input - an exit».

D.Iston distinguished two types of "input": requirements and support. The requirement can be defined as the opinion turned to imperious bodies concerning desirable or undesirable distribution of values in a society. D.Iston allocated following kinds of requirements: distributive (about a salary and working hours, about conditions of reception of formation, medical and other services); adjusting (about maintenance of public safety, control over the manufacturer and the market etc.); communicative (about granting on литической information, on use of political force etc.). Requirements tend to weaken political system.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 373;

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