The theory of political system of D.Iston

In a political science it is considered to be the founder of the system approach the American political scientist D.Iston who defined a policy as «strong-willed distribution of values». In this context the political system represents the mechanism of formation and power functioning in a society concerning distribution of resources and values.

The system approach has allowed to define more accurately a policy place in life of a society and to reveal the mechanism of social changes in it. On the one hand, the policy appears as rather independent sphere, which basic purpose - distribution of resources and prompting to acceptance of this distribution as an obligatory society for the majority. On the other hand, the policy is a part of wider integrity - societies. It should react to the impulses arriving in system, to prevent the conflicts arising concerning distribution of values between individuals, groups.

Hence, believed D.Iston, «the system analysis of political life is based on concept of" the system shipped on Wednesday "and subject to influences from its party... Such analysis assumes that the system to survive, should have ability to react». Constantly maintaining relations with environment (which components the nature, economy, culture, social structure can act), the political system by means of regulating mechanisms develops responses to arriving impulses, adapts to external operating conditions.

The theory of political system of G.Almond

Other approach to the analysis of political interactions was offered by the American political scientist G.Almond. He recognised that ability of political system to carry out transformation to a society and simultaneously to support stability depends on specialisation of roles and functions of the political institutes acting as set of interdependent elements. Each element of integrity (the state, parties, groups of pressure, elite, etc.) carries out the right vital for all system function. Hence, the system can be considered not only in terms "preservation", "changes" and "adaptation", but also "interaction" of the structures which are carrying out certain functions. All together they provide satisfaction of basic needs of system.

Introduction of the structurally functional approach as versions system in a political science has been dictated by negative consequences of practice of carrying over of the western systems in developing countries in 50-60th of XX century Use of the western political institutes in these countries did not stimulate in them the beginning of favorable changes. Having got to other, than in the West, the social and economic and cultural-religious environment, political institutes could not execute many functions, provide efficiency and stability of life in a society.

On the basis of the analysis of similar practice comparative researches of political systems which were headed by G.Almond began to develop. Comparing various political systems, it was important to allocate the basic functions which are necessary for maintenance of effective social development. The comparative analysis of political systems assumed transition from studying of formal institutes to consideration of concrete displays of political behaviour. Proceeding from it, G.Almond and D.Powell have defined political system as set of roles and their interactions among themselves, carried out not only the governmental institutes, but also all structures of a society on political problems.

Thus, they understood set of the interconnected roles as structure. Following D.Iston's position about «the system shipped on Wednesday» which supports with it numerous interrelations and interchanges on the basis of roles, G.Almond and D.Powell have revealed sufficient conditions of its functioning. In particular, scientists have established that the political system should carry out three groups of functions effectively: functions of interaction with environment; functions of interrelation in political sphere; the functions providing preservation and adaptation of system.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 637;

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