Political system of Post-Soviet type

The modern political system in Russia can be characterised as transitive or transitive. In it some elements of system of the Soviet type though have appeared have remained and new political institutes have started to function. While to speak about end of process of formation of democratic political system in Russia it is premature. The political system of Russia carried out evolution from totalitarian type to democratic without what or the weighed, developed strategy. So, in 1989 г M.S.Gorbachev has proclaimed refusal of a nomenclature principle of formation of institutes of the power on the basis of representation of dominating party - the CPSU. However formal refusal did not mean realisation in practice of democratic principles of their formation. Still in the state structures considerable relative density of the workers who passed school of nomenclature selection and have appeared in spheres of the power thanks to a personal contact, instead of professional qualities remains. Especially it is felt in a province.

Destruction of a nomenclature principle of formation of political system, liquidation of monopoly of the CPSU on the power without ef -

Control questions to a theme

1. With what application of the system approach in policy studying is connected? What new it has brought for understanding of the nature of a policy?

2. What is the political system of a society? How it functions?

3. In what condition, in your opinion, there is a political system if on "input" requirements prevail?

4. What, in your opinion, support kinds prevail at political system of Russia? Give reason for the answer.

5. In what of distinction of the theory of political system of G.Almonda and D.Istona?

6. What subsystems are included into political system and what role they play its functioning?

7. What is the function of political system? Open the maintenance of functions of political system and define their value for society ability to live as a whole.

8. In what of merits and demerits of the approach of K.Dojcha to the analysis of political system?

9. What criteria are used for classification of typology of political systems?

10. In what advantage of classification of political systems on a political mode?

11. Result concrete examples of those countries which political systems correspond to Z.Blondelja's typology.

12. In what of advantage of classification of political systems of G.Almonda?

13. What distinctive features of the Soviet political system? What mechanism of functioning of political system of the Soviet type?

14. What features of modern political system in Russia? Whether it is possible to consider, what the political system in Russia has transitive character? In what it is shown?

Logic tasks and problem questions

1. Think and define that unites political systems:

1) Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Spain;

2) Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco. They can be carried to what type of political systems?

2. What sign, in your opinion, is the main condition of existence of democratic political system:

Multi-party system presence;

Selectivity of local governments;

The free elections, equal possibilities providing to citizens to choose and be the selected works in authorities;

Guarantees of the rights and personal freedoms.

3. Than, in your opinion, the closed and opened political systems differ? Name the countries which systems could be carried to that and other type.

4. In item 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation it is said that «the President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution... The rights and freedom of the person and the citizen. In established by the Constitution... An order it takes measures on protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and the state integrity, provides the co-ordinated functioning and interaction of public authorities».

Whether it is possible to define on this basis type of political system in Russia?

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 385;

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