Variability of structure of elite, the paramount importance for this purpose personal qualities, ability to find support of wide audience.

V. Political elite in Russia. Till 1917 the political elite of the country was formed by the soslovno-bureaucratic principle supposing possibility of existence of counterelite, in days of the Soviet power - on bessoslovno-nomenclature, excluding even hypothetical possibility of occurrence of any opposition. The essence of nomenclature system consisted in appointment of persons to a little socially significant supervising posts only under the recommendation of corresponding party bodies of the CPSU, in elite selection from above.

Since 1990, before aspiring to imperious heights of Russia people all set of the means which were available for this purpose as in the countries of the West, and the East has opened. Into political elite began to enter probably as through “a nomenclature door” executive power, and through parliament, leaning against support of parties. The nomenclature past became one of characteristic features of postcommunist Russian elite. Its low business and moral qualities in many respects explain permanence and depth of crisis of the Russian society last decade, mass distribution of corruption and irresponsibility. The present Russian political elite did not become essentially new politiko-cultural phenomenon, in a management there were basically shots which have begun the political way to Soviet period and were put forward on a little significant posts in days of reorganisation that has allowed a kernel of nomenclature elite to keep the positions and in a new Russian society.

At the same time in 90th years “the new elite” which was represented by the young, vigorous leaders who were actively engaged in business has started to be formed so-called. They express today interests not only quickly enriched groups of the financial, trading capital, but also criminal structures. Some of them have gone to a policy, others remained in business, actively enjoying in the activity by support of politiko-administrative structures and bodies. An important tendency of political processes in Russia is promotion in republics, regions of an influential layer этнократии (intellectual, political, cultural leaders, carriers of local or national consciousness), become by an important, leading part of regional political elite. It is necessary to notice also that with change of political system sources элитообразовательного process (the power, the property, money, force) have concentrated in hands of executive powers - the president, its administration, the government. It has allowed them to supervise and direct processes of formation of elite. Now the political elite of Russia turns to the closed formation more and more: spontaneous рекрутирование it is in essence complete, selection on supervising posts reminds lines of the nomenclature approach more and more.

Meanwhile from experience of development of the modern democratic states appears that successful social and economic and political reforming are possible only at system use рекрутирования the elite, based on the competitive beginnings and high requirements to business and moral qualities of political and administrative heads. Rather weak political activity of citizens, low productivity of activity of modern Russian elite, incompleteness of formation modern, that is corresponding to "history calls” supervising layer and at the same time its paramount importance for country transformation - all it does a problem of political elite especially actual for the present and the future Russian society.



Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 304;

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