Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms. Electronic textbooks.
E-learning (Eng. E-learning, an abbreviation of the English. Learning) -Electronica system of training through computer and electronic technologies
Definition UNESCO «E-Learning - learning through the Internet and experts: multimedia,"
e-learning include:
- independent work with electronic materials, using a personal computer, PDA, mobile phone, DVD-player,TV and other,
- obtaining advice, tips, ratings from a remote (geographically) expert (teacher), for remote interaction, theof
- Creation a distributed user community (social networks), leading the overall virtual learning activities,
- timely Hour delivery of e-learning materials; standards and specifications for electronic learning materials and technology, distance learning tools,
- formation and improvement of information culture for all heads of enterprises and divisions of the group, and the mastery of modern information technology, improving the efficiency of its ordinary activities,
- the development and promotion of innovative educational technologies, the transfer of their teachers;
- to develop educational web-resources;
- the opportunity at any time and in any place to get modern knowledge, are available in any part of the world access to higher education for persons with special needs
related to e-learning, electronic textbooks, educational services and technology. In fact, e-learning began with the use of computers in education. Initially training with the use of computers alternated conventional, classic practical exercises. E-learning and now does not exclude communication with the teacher face to face.
E-Learning modern sample concept has evolved along with the Internet connectivity technologies, and includes the ability to virtually anywhere download additional materials underpinning received by electronic aids theory, pass the completed task , consult with the instructor. The main thing is that all these features are supported electronic media programs. Now the development of e-learning depends on the development of the media, but electronic books, fully revealing its potential, are still in the development stage of traditional:
E-education has a number of advantages:
1. Freedom of access- the student can do almost anywhere. Not all e-learning is available through the Internet. Adult students can study without interruption from work
2. Reduced training costs The student bears the cost of media, but it does not bear on the methodological literature. In addition, the economy is growing at the expense of wages, which do not need to pay teachers, the content of education and so on. Production of e-learning materials does not imply deforestation
3. Flexibility training- duration and sequence of study materials listener chooses, completely adapting the whole learning process to fit their capabilities and needs courses
4. The opportunity to develop in step with the times- users of electronic And the teachers and students develop their skills and knowledge in accordance with the latest modern technology and standards. Electronic courses also allow you to update the study materials timely and promptly.
5. Potentially equal opportunities training becomes independent of the quality of teaching in a particular school.
6. The ability to define the criteria for assessment of Knowledge in e-learning has the opportunity to exhibit clear criteria by which to assess the knowledge gained in the process of student learning.
Electronic textbook - a special device or program software used in the educational process and replaces the traditional paper book. Currently, treatment of the phrase "electronic textbook" is very broad: in some cases it means the electronic version of the paper textbook, in some - a complex program on electronic devices, allowing to show students, in addition to the text, studies multimedy material containing a interactive units of examination updating from a central source and so on. Electronic textbooks latter species are still under development, so basically modern electronic textbooks are electronic text with illustrations. Almost all teachers celebrate the simplicity of using the electronic textbook students, increase students' motivation and interest in working with academic subject with the help of a technical device, the pleasure when using ET in the classroom and at home.
Дата добавления: 2018-11-25; просмотров: 1499;