EXERCISE 6 Answer the following questions.

1. How many methods can be used to produce gas spirit?

2. Where is absorption with denuded oil performed?

3. Hard surface absorption is an interesting process, isn`t it?

4. What requirements do many gas sale contracts include?

5. What is dew point?

6. What kind of porous materials may make big volumes of vapors condense on their surface?

7. What is the difference between “adsorption” and “absorption”?

8. What is happening when sufficient volume of liquid is condensed?

9. How are liquids removed from adsorbent surface?


EXERCISE 7 Connect the terms with their definitions.

1. denuded oil 1. the removal of a liquid by the capillary, osmotic, chemical, or solvent reaction in a substance
2. crude distillation 2. a substance that promotes a chemical reaction but is not affected by the reaction
3.rectifier 3. mixing gasoline by adding components increasing octane number
4. absorption 4. naphtha, supplied for gas absorption
5. sour oil 5. a device in the rectifier providing for drainage of condensed hydrocarbons from the plate down to the lower plate
6. catalyst 6. oil containing low concentration of sulfur
7. sweet oil 7. oil containing high concentration of sulfur
8. run 8. separation of crude oil into fractions (fractionation)
9. downcomer 9. a column at the refinery in which crude oil is separated into5-6 fractions
10. compounding 10. a fraction of crude oil


EXERCISE 8 Translate from English into Russian.

1. Rectifier is used for crude distillation but vat residue cannot be cracked there due to insufficient temperature.

2. Effective limits of boiling are temperatures at which fractions are considered relatively separated.

3. Straight-run fractions of heavy gas oil are heated in the cracker under higher pressure with catalyst, which facilitates the process.

4. When catalyst surface is covered with sediments, it is not active no more and must be regenerated.

5. Sponge coke is used for production of electric rods, calcium carbide and graphite.

6. Jet and diesel fuels are produced from heavy gas oil during hydrocracking.

7. Highly aromatic gasoline distillates are used as high-level octane components or for production of aromatic hydrocarbons.

8. Heavy cracked gas oil can be used as an initial product for thermal cracking.

9. Light fractions are delivered to gas fractionation plant and straight-run gasoline is directed for compounding.

10. Crude is pumped into the rectifier with the crude pump, which first delivers the crude to the heater and then – to the rectifier.


EXERCISE 9 Translate the text into English.

Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 738;

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