Pipe Joints and Fittings
Pipe and fittings are produced in a wide range of materials including: ductile or cast iron, malleable iron, brass, copper, cast steel, plastic and fiberglass. Pipe joints can be permanent or mechanically joined, allowing disconnection. Permanent joints involve welding or crimping metal pipe and cementing plastic pipe. Joints that can be taken apart include threaded, flanged and coupled designs. Flanges can be loose, threaded or welded to pipe ends and are used on metal and plastic pipe.
Threading is one of the most popular and least expensive methods of joining steel pipes. The tapered male fitting is forced into the tapered female fitting. Yielding metal creates a seal. Threads other than taper pipe threads can be used for piping connections where tightness of the joint depends on a seal weld or seating surface other than the threads. While threaded joints can be dismantled, it is preferable to use unions. Threaded pipe is available in sizes from 1/16 to 24 in.
Welded joints are commonly used with steel pipe because these joints are stronger and less prone to leakage than threaded and flanged joints. Also, this method does not add weight to the piping system as flanges do or require a pipe wall thick enough to be threaded.
Pipe up to 2-in. size is generally socket-fitting, fillet welded. Larger pipe 3 – 36 in, is usually butt welded. The most common joint is the circumferential butt joint. During the welding procedure, to avoid entrance of welding material into the pipe, backing rings may be used.
A soldered joint is a rigid, pressure-type joint made with a filter metal that, when heated to its melting point, is drawn into the annular space between pipes and fitting by capillary action. This type of joint is generally limited to pipe up to 8 in. because of the difficulty of applying heat evenly to the joint. Bra ing is similar to soldering except higher heat is required for the filler metal. It is used where higher pressure ratings are required.
Compression couplings usually can be used with all types of pipe and do not require any pipe preparation. They consist of an inner elastometric gasket and an outer metallic sleeve with integral bolts for compressing the gasket. They are available for pipe up to 144-in. OD.
Crimped or grooved
The use of mechanical joints in piping systems is becoming popular. A crimped joint is designed to join light-wall steel and copper pipe, metallic or nonmetallic that is capable of being cut or roll grooved up to 2-in.
Solvent joining can be used on vinyl pipe and some others, available up to 12-in. Poly olefin and other pipes require heat fusion and are available up to 6-i. Fibreglass pipe requires an adhesive, resin impregnated fabric or threads to make a joint. It is readily available in sizes from 1/2 to 144-in.
(http://www. Wikipedia.org)
The words to be memorized:
adhesive – связывающий
annular space – кольцевое пространство
backing ring – горловое кольцо
brass – латунь butt welded – сваренный встык
brazing – пайка твердым припоем
butt joint – соединение встык / контактное фланцевое соединение
capillary action – капиллярное действие
cast steel – литая сталь
circumferential – периферический
coupled – сдвоенный
to convey– переправлять
compression – прокладка / набивка / уплотнение
coupling – соединение (муфта)
crimped joint – опрессованное соединение
crimping – гофрирование
disconnection – разделение
dismantle – разбирать
ductile or cast iron – чугун с шаровидным графитом (чугун)
(elastometric) gasket – прокладка / набивка / уплотнение /сальник
female fitting – фитинг с внутренней резьбой
fillet welded – сварка угловым швом
flange – фланец
flanged – ребристый
grooved – гофрированный
(heat) fusion – плавка
impregnated – пропитанный
loose – неприкрепленный
malleable iron – ковкий чугун
prone – свойственно
polyolefin – полиолефин
resin – смола
rigid – негибкий
seal – перемычка
seating surface (seal weld) – монтажный фланец (сварная перемычка)
sleeve – рукав / муфта
socket-fitting – муфта (патрубок)-фитинг
soldered joint – паяное соединение
tapered male fitting – фитинг с наружной резьбой
tapered – конусообразный / клиновидный /скошенный / заостренный
threaded – с резьбой
tightness – герметичность
union – соединение
vinyl (pipe) – винил
welding – сварка
yielding (metal) – пластичный металл
Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 763;