EXERCISE 5 Find the definitions to the key words, using the information from this chapter and translate them into Russian.
The definitions:
A)customary inspection by internal X-ray, external gamma ray or ultrasonic.
B)ditch spoil pushed back into the ditch to cover the pipe except for certain sections that must be left uncovered to make tie-in welds and allow for hydrostatic testing.
C)line pipe lifted on skids along the ROW so that the entire circumference is accessible.
D)width determined by the diameter of the pipeline to be installed and includes room for the pipeline and working space for the construction equipment used to install the pipeline.
E)sand placed on the ditch bottom to cushion the pipe.
F)the primary strength weld that fuses the two pipes.
G)laying sections of pipe along the ROW.
H)individual pipe string ends that are cut and trimmed to join the pipe strings with external clamps accurately aligning the pipe.
I)join sections of line pipe providing consistency, uniform welds and fewer repairs.
J)excavated soil (spoil) deposited on the ditch bank.
K)bare sections at the pipe welds covering the exposed pipe and the weld.
L)method for constructing the pipeline across such obstacles as streams or wetlands.
The key words:
Trenching (ditching)
Field-joint coating
Tie-in welding
EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the text "Valves", using the words after the text.
Valves are mechanical devices that are installed in pipelines to control flow or pressure. Valves are an important part of piping systems and if not properly selected and operated, they can cause operation problems. The primary valve types, classified by their function, are:
• control valves - used to control flow, pressure, liquid level, cavitation and pressure transients;
• isolation (block) valves - placed on each side of control valves and pumps, allowing them to be removed for repair or replacement;
• check valves - used to prevent reverse flow;
• relief valves - admit air to the pipe while the pipe is being drained to prevent excessive vacuum pressures and reduce the possibility of collapsingthin-walled pipes;
• air valves - designed to expellarge amounts of air at low pressure during filling and release small amounts of pressurized air during operation.
The words to be memorized:
air valve – воздуховыпускной клапан
cavitation – кавитация
check valve – обратный клапан
collapsing – разрушающий
control valve – распределительный клапан
excessive (pressure) – избыточное давление
to expel – исключать
isolation (block) valve – стопорный клапан
operation – работа / процесс
pressure transient – неустановившееся давление / давление в переходном режиме
replacement – замена
release valve – выпускной клапан
relief valve – перепускной клапан
EXERCISE 2 Read and translate the text "Pipe Joints and Fittings", using the words after the text.
Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 989;