Tank battery operation

After passing through the gas-oil separator, the gas usually is measured through an orifice meter and the oil is flowed into one of the tanks where measurements of the height of oil in the tank are taken from time to time by the operator. The oil flow is usually directed into one tank of the lease battery until it is filled, after which the flow is switched to an empty tank.

The final gauging of a full tank is made by the pipeline company preparatory to running the oil from the tank into the pipeline. It is the lease operator's responsibility to watch the gauging and testing of the oil done by the pipeline gager and to be sure that the measurements are correct. The lease operator in this transaction represents the producer or seller, and the pipeline gager is the transporter. Similarly, it is often the duty of the lease operator to see that the metering equipment used to measure gas delivered off the lease is functioning and serviced properly, even though this may be the direct responsibility of other personnel or of the purchaser of the gas. Also, gas meter charts are commonly changed by lease operator gagers who make the proper notations and forward them to the production office for reading and calculation of the gas volumes registered. At times the lease operators site read the gas meter charts to estimate the daily volume of gas produced by each lease. The gas purchaser usually supplies and maintains the gas sales metering equipment.

When salt-water production occurs with the oil, the accumulated water must be drained from the stock tanks. The volume of salt water produced over each 24-hour period is measured by gauging before and after draining the water accumulated in the tanks. Sometimes it is necessary to transfer any oil emulsified with salt water from the stock tank to a treater for removal of the water or BS&W. In more modem operations the water is removed in a production treater. When the amount transferred is large, the lease operator will usually flow additional oil into the tank to more nearly fill it before delivering the tank to the pipeline gager for running the oil to the pipeline. This operation is referred to as topping out the tank. The treated or recovered oil is often returned to another tank being filled.

The words to be memorized:

1. Dehydration– обезвоживание

2. Hydrating –гидратообразование

3. Pig– скребок (поршень) для трубопроводов

4. Pipeline – трубопровод

5. Separator – сепаратор

6. Tank – емкость

7. Trunkline– основной коллектор, магистральный трубопровод

8. Vortex breaker– гаситель завихрений

9. Droplet – капелька

10. Mist pad–каплеуловитель

11. Coalescing device– коагулятор

12. Deflector plate – пластина дефлектора

13. Vapor section– секция для газа

14. Funneling effect– эффект воронкообразования

15. Corrosion – коррозия

16. Stripper well –истощенная скважина

17. Allowables – квоты

18. Well cluster –куст скважин

19. Plumb bob –свинцовое грузило

20. Reading box– считывающее устройство

Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 646;

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