Part 1

EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the text "Drilling", using the words after the text.


The well is created by drilling a hole 5 to 30 inches (13-76 cm) in diameter into the earth with an oil rig which rotates a drill bit. After the hole is drilled, a steel pipe (casing) slightly smaller than the hole is placed in the hole, and secured with cement. The casing provides structural integrity to the newly drilled wellbore in addition to isolating potentially dangerous high pressure zones from each other and from the surface. This process is all facilitated by a drilling rig which contains all necessary equipment to circulate the drilling fluid, hoist and turn the pipe, control downhole pressures, remove cuttings from the drilling fluid, and generate onsite power for these operations.

The words to be memorized:

cement – цементный раствор

circulate fluid – прокачиваемый буровой раствор по системе

cuttings – буровой шлам

downhole pressure – давление в скважине

drilling – бурение

drill bit – буровое долото

drilling fluid – буровая жидкость

drilling rig – буровая установка

drilling site – буровая площадка

integrity - целостность

hole – отверстие, выработка малого сечения, скважина

hoist – подъем

oil rig – нефтяная вышка

to secure – закреплять

steel pipe (casing) – обсадная колонна


EXERCISE 2 Read and translate the text "Drilling mud", using the words after the text.


Treated and prepared drilling mud from mud pits is supplied to booster pumps, which deliver it to mud pumps. The latter pump drilling mud under high pressure through an injection line, riser, flexible arm, swivel and kelly to the wellhead. In this process a part of pump pressure is spent to overcome resistance in surface system. Then drilling mud comes through the drilling string (drilling pipes, drilling collars and downhole engine) to the bit. On this route the mud pressure decreases due to loss of energy to overcome hydraulic resistance.

Then the drilling mud, due to pressure differential inside drill pipes and on the well bottom, at high velocity comes out of the bit nozzles and washes out drilled rock from the bottomhole and the bit. Remaining part of the mud energy is spent to lift the drilled rock and overcome resistance in annulus.

Lifted to the surface used mud goes to the treatment section, where pieces of drilled rock are removed from it, and is delivered to tanks equipped with devices for restoration of its properties; then it is returned to booster pumps.

Chemical treatment of drilling mud includes addition of specific chemicals to improve its properties without significant change of gravity.

Chemical treatment provides for the following positive results:

- improves drilling mud stability;

- reduces its filtration capacity, thickness and adhesiveness of mud cake on well- bore walls;

- adjusts mud viscosity to increase or decrease it;

- provides specific properties (thermal resistance, salt resistance).

Lubricants and defoamers are also added in clay muds. Lubricating additives improve working environment of drilling string and rock crushing tools in the well. Defoamers prevent foam generation when gas phase is settled out from wash fluid.


The words to be memorized:

1. Bit nozzle –насадка долота;

2. Booster pump –подпорный насос;

3. Catcher –ловитель;

4. Core barrel –керноприемник;

5. Core breaker –кернорватель;

6. Core head –бурильная головка;

7. Core holder –кернодержатель;

8. Core lifter –керноприемная труба;

9. Corereceiver– керноприемное устройство;

10. Cuttings – шлам;

11. Defoamer–пеногаситель;

12. Downhole engine – скважинный двигатель;

13. Flexible arm– гибкий рукав;

14. Flushing channel – промывочный канал;

15. Hydroerosive impact –гидроэрозионное воздействие;

16. Injection line – нагнетательная линия;

17. Mudcake– корка бурового раствора;

18. Mudpit – емкость для бурового раствора;

19. Reference well – опорные скважины;

20. Riser – стояк;

21. Rockcutting tools –породоразрушающий инструмент;

22. Shale-shaker – вибросито.


Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 2409;

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