EXERCISE 3 Answer questions about the text.

1. How is drilling mud delivered to the bit treated and prepared?

2. Why does mud pressure decrease on the way to the bit?

3. What does drilling mud do when it comes out of the bit nozzles?

4. What happens to the drilling mud when it is lifted to the surface?

5. What is chemical treatment of drilling mud?

6. What results does chemical treatment have on drilling mud?

7. Why are lubricants and defoamers added in clay muds?

EXERCISE 4 Make up sentences out of two parts from the table:

1. A part of pump pressure is spent … a) … addition of specific chemicals.
2. The drilling mud at high velocity comes out of… b) … the improvement of drilling mud stability.
3. Chemical treatment of drilling mud includes… c) …to overcome resistance in surface system.
4. The result of chemical treatment is… d) … in clay muds.
5. Lubricants and defoamers are also added … e) …the bit nozzles and washes out drilled rock from the bottomhole and the bit.

EXERCISE 5 Make up word combinations from two columns.

1. Booster 2. An injection 3. Surface 4. Drill 5. Bit 6. Drilled 7. Chemical 8. The overcome 9. Downhole 10. Drilling 11. Well- bore 12. Clay a) Treatment b) Nozzles c) Pumps d) Engine e) System f) Muds g) Pipes h) Collars i) Walls j) Line k) Rock l) Resistance

EXERCISE 6 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with a partner.

1. Drilling mud comes through the drilling to the bit.

2. The mud pressure increases due to loss of energy to overcome hydraulic resistance.

3. Lifted to the surface used mud goes to the treatment section, where pieces of drilled rock are removed from it, and is delivered to tanks.

4. Reduction of the thickness and adhesiveness of mud cake on well- bore walls is negative result of chemical treatment.

5. Defoamers provide foam generation when gas phase is settled out from wash fluid.

EXERCISE 7 Translate into English in written form using your active vocabulary.

1. При бурении шлам вымывается с забоя скважины буровым раствором.

2. Опорные скважины закладываются в районах, не исследованных бурением, и служат для изучения состава и возраста слагающих их пород.

3. Буровой раствор готовят в виброситах и закачивают в скважину при помощи бурового насоса.

4. Бурильная колонна состоит из утяжеленных бурильных труб и скважинного двигателя.

5. Химическая обработка бурового раствора включает добавление специфических химических веществ для улучшения свойств без значительного изменения силы тяжести.

EXERCISE 8 Read and translate the texts.

Text 1


Oil is contained in rocks under the ground and in rocks under the sea. To find it, oilmen have to drill boreholes. The equipment for drilling these holes is the drilling rig. Drilling preparation operations include selection of location for the drilling rig, construction of an access road, arrangement of power supply, water supply and communication system. If local relief is uneven, then wellpad must be leveled.

Rigging derrick and equipment up is performed in compliance with established for specific conditions deployment chart. Equipment must be located in a way, which provides for safe operations, suitable maintenance, low cost of construction and rigging operations and compactness in location of all drilling rig components. Most rigs work on the rotary system. A bit rotates at the end of a pipe. As the bit rotates, it cuts and crushes the rock at the bottom of the hole. The cuttings are carried to the surface by a special fluid. This fluid is called “mud”. Mud is a mixture of clay, water and chemicals.

Mud is not only used for carrying the cuttings up to the surface. It is also used for keeping the bit cool. The mud is pumped down through the string. It comes back up again through the annulus. The mud engineer or “mud man” is in charge of the mud. For example, he tells the crew how to mix the mud at the mud tanks.

Text 2

Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1231;

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